Young children dance basic skills handle bar training method

1, waist: single knee waist, single leg back waist; slow, fast shabu waist; lying cloud; wind and fire wheel. 2, big kicks: in place, kicking the front, side, leg, proceeding style; purple and gold crown; medium speed line kicking the front, side leg. 3, control: front and side back, suction, stretch and lift, half ring movement; big shot swallow, tanhai. 4, big jumps: wrong step step jumps, wrong step shot swallow; wrong step step jumps, wrong step shot swallow; wrong step ruffled jumps, wrong step in the air. 5, in the jump: one, two, five position jumps; variant jumps, cross jumps 6, five jumps: one, two, variant jumps, five position switch jumps; small shot swallow jumps; variant jumps 250 degrees, Five jumps: one, two, change jumps, cross jumps. 6, five jumps: one, two, change jumps, five change foot jumps; small shooting swallow jumps; change jumps 250 degree leg tanhai jumps. 7, turn: flat turn 2-3; diagonal flat turn: 8. 8, turnover: step turnover, forward and reverse, step up turnover; and also point turnover 3-5. Flexibility of the legs, three points of leg presses and seven points of kicks. Daily leg press, after the body side of the pressure after the pressure back to the kick, and then consume the leg, consume after the kick, time to keep more than half an hour. It is recommended that each leg consume leg time in more than 15 minutes per day.

The softness of the waist exercise control waist, lying on top of a round apparatus (can be replaced by pillows) stay like this, a long time to pull the waist link are open, and then repeated a few times. Lower back After touching the ground with your hands, go inward and try to touch your feet.

The softness of the waist exercise control waist, lying on top of a round apparatus (can be replaced by pillows) stay like this, a long time to pull the waist link are open, and then repeated a few times. Lower back After touching the ground with your hands, go inward and try to touch your feet.

How to practice lower back How to practice lower back can not get up? 1) when the lower back first hand and then head down, head down to pick the chest waist, the chest waist to give out, and then the big waist, legs straight, crotch forward, waist so that the body to maintain balance, can not fall down. (2) when you get up the waist, your arms are supported by your hands, your hands are pushed, and your hips are pushed forward, and then you pick the chest and waist, and then you get up.

How to practice leg strength? Leg strength small jump half toe stand. Hook tense foot, can practice calf frog jump squat jump up can practice thigh

These basic skills have to be accumulated over time in order to get out of the real skill.

In the practice of basic skills at the same time need to dance poles and dance poles are dancers used to train the leg action of the professional type of dancers special poles.

Dancing system (dance room, dance studio, dance classroom, ballroom, stage, theater, runway, performance, rehearsal hall, rehearsal)

Fifteen, first of all, the dance handle is the dancer used to train the pressure of the leg movement of the professional type of dancers special handle.

1), the dance pole standard size of the following:

1, kindergarten dance pole height mostly in the 60CM - 90CM or so;

2, adult studio dance pole height mostly in 100CM - 120CM or so;

2, adult practice room dance pole height mostly in the 100CM - 120CM or so;

3, dance pole height mostly in the 100CM - 120CM or so. -120CM or so;

3, generally speaking, the more standard height in 80CM-110CM or so.

And, now the dance studio in the dance pole is adjustable, whether adult or child specific height according to the practitioner's height and body softness practice to adjust their own to adapt to the height.

Now the general floor fixed dance pole lifting rod is generally electroplated steel pipe, diameter in 3.2cm or so, the base material for the cast iron, diameter 4.8cm or so, adjustable height of 70cm-120cm or so (there is a ± 2cm error interval is normal).

And wall-mounted dance pole lifting lever and base material, diameter and floor fixed dance pole, the main flange in the case of close to the ground, adjustable height (including pole) in 67cm-102cm or so (there is a ± 2cm error interval), the pole to the wall distance of about 30cm.

The main basic movements

1, rotation: the quantity and quality of the high and low is one of the core criteria for judging the technical level of ballet dancers. During rotation, whether the standardized dance posture is out of shape, whether the positioning in space is in order, whether it is stable as before when stopping the rotation, and whether it can naturally complete the fixed dance posture at the end.

2. Speed: This is another hard yardstick to measure the technical level of ballet dancers. The faster the speed, the more difficult, but in some rotations and jumps, acceleration is essential, and can make these movements to complete a little easier.

3, direction: in the dynamic change of direction, the requirement of the right increase or decrease in strength, and experienced dancers know, in accordance with the scheduling of the circle than in accordance with the scheduling of the straight line of the circle is much more difficult.

4, change arms or legs and feet: in the rotation or jump change arms or legs and feet, is the dancer's body balance and coordination of another major challenge.

5, professional type dancers special dance pole has three styles:

1) mobile dance pole

2) fixed dance pole

3) wall-mounted dance pole

4) dancers special floor rubber - dancers special pole

sixteen, professional type dancers special dance pole Three styles are divided into:

1 single-deck dance handle bar

2 double-deck dance handle bar

3 dancers special floor rubber-dancers special handle bar

seventeen, professional dancers special dance handle bar size designation:

dance handle bar standard size, dance handle bar generally how high, dance handle bar away from the standard, the dance handle bar from the standard, the dance handle bar from the standard. Dance handle bar standard height, dance handle bar standard height is how much, dance handle bar standard size is how much, dance handle bar standard is how much, dance handle bar length how much is appropriate, dance handle bar diameter how much, children dance handle bar standard size, dance adult handle bar standard size length and width, dance handle bar double good or single good, dance handle bar standard size length, dance handle bar away from the wall is generally how wide, dance practice handle bar Height. Handlebar standard size length, what is the standard size of the handle bar, how to calculate the standard size of the handle bar, the standard size of the handle bar picture, handle bar specifications, how much height of the handle bar is appropriate, how high is the handle bar in general, how much the length of the handle bar is appropriate, the standard handle bar installation spacing,

Seven, dancers special flooring, dancer special flooring

Top dancers, dancers, professional dancers, dancers flooring, flooring dancers. Dancer flooring, North Dance, North Dance address, Shanghai North Dance flooring, North Dance flooring, North Dance flooring, Shanghai North Dance, Shanghai North Dance flooring, Dance King flooring, Hume flooring, Dance Beauty flooring, Dancer flooring, Dance Rhyme flooring, Ballet flooring, Top Dancer flooring, Dance Floor, Dance Floor, Dance Flooring, Stage flooring, ballet flooring, Ballet flooring, Dance Studio flooring, dance studio flooring, dance classroom flooring, Dance Room flooring Dance flooring, dance flooring slippery how to deal with, dance flooring, dance flooring, dance flooring how much money a square meter, dance flooring top ten brands, dance flooring formaldehyde, dance flooring laying video tutorial, dance flooring price, dance flooring which brand is good, dance classroom decoration effect picture, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom handle bar, dance classroom handle bar installation standard, dance classroom picture dance classroom decoration style, dance classroom flooring with What material, dance classroom backdrop picture, dance classroom rental, dance classroom flooring what good, dance classroom flooring cleaning tips, dance classroom flooring how thick suitable, dance classroom flooring picture, dance classroom flooring standard dance classroom floor color, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring what good, dance classroom flooring installation process dance classroom flooring too slippery how to deal with, dance classroom flooring how thick Dance classroom floor color, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring, dance classroom flooring Dance flooring manufacturers, dance flooring how much money a flat, dance flooring which is good, dance flooring construction process dance flooring cleaning stains how to deal with, dance flooring slippery how to deal with, dance flooring top ten brands, dance flooring formaldehyde, dance flooring how to pave the video tutorials, dance flooring price, dance flooring thickness standard, dance flooring video, dance flooring which brand is good, dance flooring how much money a square meter, dance flooring how much money a square meter, dance flooring how much money a square meter, dance flooring how much money a square meter, dance flooring how much money a square meter, how much is a square meter, how much is a square meter How much is a square meter of dance flooring, stage dance flooring Stage flooring Stage construction Stage effects Stage floor color effects, what materials are used for stage flooring, stage carpet, what materials are used for stage flooring Stage flooring construction process standards, what materials are used for stage flooring Stage carpet pictures Stage carpet effects, Stage flooring, ballet dance, ballet pediatric dance Dance dance basic movements ballet dance school Ballet music swan, Ballet flooring requirements ballet floor training content ballet flooring brand, ballet floor training, ballet floor combination, ballet floor sitting ballet flooring with a few millimeters ballet floor heating, ballet floor laying requirements ballet flooring pictures ballet floor ballet floor ballet flooring ballet flooring, ballet floor requirements ballet flooring, ballet flooring requirements ballet flooring what material ballet flooring ballet flooring piano, ballet flooring basic movements video, ballet floor movement, ballet floor decoration, ballet floor advertisement, dance flooring recommendation, dance floor cellar how to choose, dance flooring how to lay, dance flooring with what to rub, dance flooring too astringent how to do, dance flooring recommendation should be a few millimeters thick, dance flooring has formaldehyde, dance flooring how to paste? 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18, what is the dancers floor / dancers floor rubber:

Dancers floor is the dancers special floor rubber, but also the dancers special dancing floor rubber, and the dance room, stage, performance is more widely used, dancers floor is a kind of soft pvc Polyvinyl chloride chemical raw materials, according to the dancing characteristics of professional development and become.

Dancer floor / dancer floor rubber is a soft homogeneous translucent permanent non-slip (up and down one color without layering - not layered) production production into a similar rubber flooring, using 100% new material pvc polyvinyl chloride raw materials (referred to as plastic) 100% prohibit the use of fourth-generation alternative material to replace the recycled material oil, homogeneous translucent permanent non-slip surface matte without uv treatment, light but not slippery, soft and not hard, hard and not soft, the dancer floor is a soft material, the dancer floor is a kind of soft pvc polyvinyl chloride chemical raw materials, according to the characteristics of dancing professionally formulated and made of. Not hard, hard and not soft, with flexibility, with to scrap are non-slip, in the final analysis is a soft homogeneous transparent extruded products, permanent use, permanent non-slip, with a certain cushioning effect, not astringent, non-slip, flexibility and good characteristics.

Professional dancers floor rubber is homogeneous translucent permanent non-slip (up and down one color without delamination - not delamination) production production into a similar rubber flooring, and the general PVC, most of which is used in industrial insulation, the material is harder, rough. Another is the foam sports floor rubber, foam is not pressure, friction, suitable for sports competitions, etc.; and, sports flooring foam bottom layer, can not do the dance movement two most conventional action: skating and turn in place. And dance floor rubber has a qualitative difference.

The color of the dancer's flooring is multi-color and can be made according to the color card provided by the customer. The size can also be customized according to the customer's length and width of the size of the production, there is no consumables quality.

Nowadays, kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, teenage camps, dance art schools, etc. generally have their own dance classroom stage venues, and all of them are dancer flooring.

Nineteen, dance classroom or stage paved what color

Dancer floor must ensure that the dancers do not feel too slippery or too sticky in the dance, and there is a certain sense of foot comfort.

The teaching nature of the dance group mainly choose the color: dark green, greenish gray, light gray, towel blue.

Stage and museums with dancers floor rubber is mostly selected dark gray, black, silver gray, flag red, wood grain, custom colors.

Children most of the dancer floor rubber with sky blue, towel blue, pink, custom colors.

Adults with dancer's floor rubber mostly chosen in gray, light gray, silver gray, sea gray.

Multiple dance or stage dancer flooring is available in dark wood grain, light wood grain, blue wood grain, dark wood grain.

The runway show or booth is mostly used in white, black, flag red.

Twenty, dancers special dance floor rubber thickness

Dancers floor rubber specifications are divided according to his thickness, mainly divided into: 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 11mm, 12mm.

The thickness of the dancers floor rubber is based on the basic ground conditions and whether to choose from the point of view of the professional! The thickness of 4mm or more is suitable for wooden floors, and the thickness of 5mm or more is suitable for concrete floors, floor tiles, and so on.

Often professional dance colleges, performance groups, etc. are using 5mm or more thickness dancer floor rubber.

Twenty-one, dancers professional rubber characteristics

1 stability dancers special dance floor rubber is a soft pvc floor board, there is a certain degree of self-weight, to ensure that the product in the process of stability and solid movement, and played a role in the automatic reinforcement.

2. Firmness Dancer special dance floor rubber is a soft PVC, it is based on the characteristics of the dance, professionally formulated and has a certain cushioning effect, not astringent, non-slippery, flexible and good characteristics. And dancers professional dancers special dance room floor rubber width should be in 1-2m, so as to ensure the integrity of the pavement, not only from the visual presentation of the perfect show effect, in the solid performance is also guaranteed.3. Comfort The surface of the dancers special dance classroom floor rubber is specially treated, and the brightness of the light coincides with the light, will not absorb light and reflections blinding, better protection of the dancers in the process of the movement of the eyes is not easy to produce Durability and abrasion resistance Dancers special dance studio floor rubber adopts 100% pure soft PVC high-quality materials, the surface layer by a special high-environmental high-tech materials TPU technology, and has the best durability and abrasion resistance, thus increasing the service life of the floor.5. Installation methods are diverse Dancers special ballet floor rubber installation methods **** there are two kinds: (1) movable (2) fully fixed. We install according to the customer's requirements for the use of dance venues.6. Easy maintenance Dancer professional dance floor rubber surface layer of the outside world pollution has the ability to exclude, such as surface pollution, with a clean mop, water scrubbing can be.7. Good sound-absorbing performance Dancer professional dance flooring standard thickness of the substrate, coupled with a suitable anti-elasticity and reasonable shock-absorbing properties in the movement of the sound-absorbing function of sound insulation effect is good. Dancer dance rehearsal hall floor rubber color bright, smooth and delicate surface, good flexibility. Moderate elasticity, moist and astringent moderate, conducive to buffer the impact of the movement, and easy to clean and maintain, invariant, non-cracking. Dance floor rubber performance is excellent, moisture-proof, non-slip, wear-resistant, pressure-resistant, stain-resistant green, non-methanol, non-toxic, can be very good to protect the dancers movement will not fall and cause accidental injury.

8. Dancers special floor rubber can make the dancers do not slip and do not fall to show off the wonderful art of dance!

22, dance system (dance room, dance studio, dance classroom, ballroom, stage, theater, T stage, performance, rehearsal hall, rehearsal, physical room, piano room, street dance, concert, product launch, studio, tour, opera and dance theater, party, theater aisle, theater showroom, exhibition, show, fashion show, museums, exhibition halls, art museums, museums of culture, Culture Palace, Children's Palace, clubs, stage layout, training, temporary rehearsal, temporary stage, projection room, theater and opera works in the performance and art display special floor rubber)

Twenty-three, mainly used for dance:

Ballet, folk dance, pole dance, Latin dance, jazz dance, street dance, tap dance.

Twenty-four, dancer flooring, dance flooring, top dancer flooring, dancer flooring, dance flooring, top dancer flooring

Top dancer brand, dancer brand, ballet brand, King of Dance brand, Hume brand, Dance brand, Dance brand, Dance rhyme brand, Yankee brand, Dance Queen brand, Shanghai North Dance

Twenty-five, dance flooring brand, dancer flooring brand, dance flooring brands, stage flooring brands

Dancer flooring brands recommended:

(Dance King, Shanghai beauty, dance, dancers, dance rhyme, ballet, Yangzi, top dancers, dance, dance, Shanghai North Dance)

Dance flooring brand recommendation:

(dance king brand, Shanghai beauty brand, dance brand, dancer brand, dance rhyme brand, ballet brand, Yangzi brand, top dancer brand, dance brand, Shanghai North Dance floor)

Dance flooring brand recommendation:

(dance king dance flooring, Shanghai beautiful dance flooring, dance dance flooring, dance dance dance flooring, dance rhyme) Dance flooring, ballet dance flooring, Yangzi dance flooring, top dancers dance flooring, dance after the dance flooring, Shanghai North Dance floor)

Dance flooring top ten ranking evening:

(Dance King flooring, Hume flooring, dance flooring, dancers flooring, dance floor, dance rhyme flooring, ballet flooring, Yangzi flooring, top dancers flooring, dance floor, after the dance floor, Shanghai North Dance floor)

Dance flooring top ten ranking evening:

(dance king flooring, humei flooring, dance flooring, dancers flooring, dance rhyme flooring, ballet flooring, yangzi flooring, top dancers flooring, dance flooring, dance flooring, Shanghai North Dance flooring)

Dancers flooring top ten ranking evening:

(dance king, humei, dance flooring, dancers, dance rhyme, ballet, yangzi, top dancers, dance flooring, Shanghai North Dance)

Dancers flooring top ten ranking evening:

(dance king, humei, dance, dancers, dance rhyme, ballet, yangzi, top dancers, dance flooring, Shanghai North Dance)

Dance Floor Top Ten Brands:

(King of Dance, Shanghai Beauty, Dance, Dancer, Dance Rhyme, Ballet, Yangzi, Top Dancer, Dance Queen, Shanghai North Dance)

Dance Floor Top Ten Brands:

(King of Dance, Shanghai Beauty, Dance, Dancer, Dance Rhyme, Ballet, Yangzi, Top Dancer, Dance Queen, Shanghai North Dance)

Dancer Flooring top ten brands

(Dance King, Shanghai Beauty, Dance Beauty, Dancer, Dance Rhyme, Ballet, Yangzi, Top Dancer, Dance Queen, Shanghai North Dance)

Shanghai North Dance Flooring Co.