Just like there is no universal key in the world, everyone's physique is different, the situation is different, then the way to lose weight is of course not the same. Perhaps you will say, keep your mouth open legs is everything ah, this sentence is indeed photogenic, but also suitable for the vast majority of people, but how to keep your mouth, and how to open legs? This is a problem, for example, some people eat junk food will be thin, while some people are basically dietary restrictions but more fat. Running is also, can accelerate fat burning can only be aerobic way, that is, aerobic exercise (jogging), strenuous fast running not only can not burn fat, on the contrary, will accelerate the body glycogen depletion! Therefore, be sure to find your own weight loss method!
No dieting, dieting is easy to rebound!
Also often listen to people who are losing weight, how they are "hard" to reduce the meat, bitter to the meal can not eat well, that is, dieting! This is an absolute misunderstanding. Surveys show that most of the dieting people in the beginning is the first weight loss, but long-term seems to be more people are the case of rebound, and even higher than the weight before dieting about 3.6 kilograms.
Diet should be balanced, in short, eat the whole point
Just said, to control the mouth, but also can not diet, then how to do? Eat a balanced diet can, first of all, to identify those who think "healthy" is actually high calorie amazing food; second, you can refer to seven consecutive years was named the United States of America's best comprehensive diet of the year: DASH diet: eat more vegetables, fruits, low-fat skimmed milk products; recommended whole grains, fish, poultry, dried fruits; less intake of saturated fats, cholesterol- and trans-fat-rich foods; and controlling sodium, desserts, sugary drinks, and high-fat meat intake!
These "healthy food" high calorie scare people: walnuts (100g walnuts = 627 calories ≈ 2.7 bowls of rice), avocado (1 avocado = 250 calories ≈ 1.1 bowls of rice), yogurt (a cup of yogurt = 180 calories ≈ 0.8 bowls of rice), orange juice (1 orange juice = 225 calories ≈ 1 bowl of rice)
This is the first time that I have seen the "healthy food" in the world. bowl of rice)
Add some protein to your breakfast!
Research has found that breakfast intake of more protein-rich food is conducive to weight loss, (source Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao), protein can help us burn fat, protein will not be stored in the body, but also less prone to a large number of converted into fat for the body's normal physiological needs other than the majority of protein in the form of energy to metabolize, protein can also inhibit the promotion of the formation of fat hormone secretion to reduce the production of flab. Secretion to reduce the production of flab Oh! In addition, protein can stimulate the secretion of intestinal hormones, triggering a sense of satiety, can inhibit us from inadvertently eating too much other high-calorie food!
Choose to use blue tableware
We say that food must be full of color and flavor, but have you ever noticed that the food that can stimulate your appetite is usually red, fan and other warm colors. In fact, it is also true that visual brightness can also enhance our appetite, dark-colored tableware than white plate looks more calming to the appetite. For example, blue is the color that reduces appetite the most, because there are very few blue foods in nature, so the brain will think that blue food is "suspicious" and will automatically reduce the appetite. Once popular in Japan's "blue diet" is to do so the food into blue or replace the blue tableware, the effect is good.
Brush your teeth after a meal
The brushing of teeth after a meal here is not from a hygienic point of view, but mainly from a psychological point of view, suggesting that you have finished eating, and don't want to eat anything else. Of course, brushing your teeth after a meal does have its benefits, you can remove food residue in the mouth in time, for the teeth as well as oral health is also beneficial, no matter if there is no weight loss program, you can develop this personal habit is also very good.