Rehearsal dance, the teacher let us practice one by one, I am so nervous ah hands are shaking, I feel so bad in this area, sad, feel ridiculed.

This is a tough one. But if you want to learn how to act, you have to go through it.

There's a saying in the industry that says, "It's better to be seen by thousands of people than to be seen by insiders." Actors, not always in the dance team overlook, if the outstanding type of talent but also dance lead, solo dance.

Slowly, it is good.

This process is called "interrogating a thief to his face." The most people blush, embarrassed, stiff, can not play out the level. But after this kind of in-your-face interrogation of thieves, you will slowly mature. With this kind of process, the actor progresses quickly. Dancing like this once is better than practicing three times with the ensemble. After this kind of coaching, the actor progresses quickly.

Take your time to get used to it, and no one gets past it all at once. I believe you will soon pass.