Dance square dance disturbed the people
I don't know when, square dancing gradually became the trend, after dinner everywhere you can see groups of dancing ladies, playing dynamic and brainwashing music but, along with the serious nuisance problem yesterday to go to the street to ride around, feel almost a large area of open space where there are square dancers, and the sound can be heard through the whole street (almost the distance between the two traffic lights), with the The sound leakage of the KTV is not much better. You can't go out for a walk without getting around this group of people. Since we don't have perfect laws and regulations in this area, behaviors like putting the Great Compassion Mantra on the news and throwing garbage are only useful for a while, but don't have any long term significance. A small number of opposing forces can not fight the huge square dance group. And throwing objects from a height has been criminalized in the new civil code. I don't know how other bystanders feel about square dancing, but for me personally, when I want to start studying or have something to do at home, square dancing around me seriously affects my efficiency and disrupts my thoughts and mind. But my parents, who are not too good at hearing, are not affected at all, or even if they pass by, they don't feel anything.