With the growth of China's elderly population, the elderly consumer market is also increasingly attracting attention to the elderly for the elderly food, clothing, housing and transportation products for the elderly is gradually increasing. However, the current situation, the elderly market to provide products and the real needs of the elderly between the gap still exists, which includes two aspects: on the one hand, the quantity of the gap. China's current aging population has reached 174 million, according to the National Committee on Aging's projections, China's current demand for the elderly market should be more than 1 trillion, at this stage, the supply of the market is far from being able to satisfy, there is a huge gap in the market between supply and demand; the other aspect is the gap between the existing products for the elderly and the real needs of the elderly products, the product range is not rich enough to meet the needs of the elderly products are not many, which means that there is a huge gap between the products provided by the market and the real needs of the elderly. Another aspect is that there is a gap between the existing products and the real needs of the elderly, the product range is not rich enough, and there are not many products that can really meet the needs of the elderly.
The quality of life of the elderly is directly related to their own financial ability and the ability of their children to provide for them. At this stage, China's elderly, in the general level of food, clothing and warmth, there is not a big problem, but in the quality of life to ensure that, to enhance, the difference is very different.