What is the relationship between ghost step, space step and street dance?

Street dance is a big category, including a variety of dance types, such as handsome hip hop, sexy jazz, dashing locking, cool breaking and so on.

And the ghost step is just a step in the street dance, and the ghost step can't be regarded as a branch of the street dance. It can only be understood as a basic preparation for street dance. According to the ghost step's power way and texture, it is most of all the foundation of hiphop, dancing good ghost step not only can enhance physical fitness, but also can play a good foundation of hiphop.

Similarly, the space step is also a kind of pace, it and the ghost step to form a clear difference, the ghost step focuses on the explosive force and sense of connection, the space step focuses on the control force and sense of extension. Practicing space step is more helpful to learn swag, Locking and other dance styles.

Overall, the ghost step and space cloth are included in the street dance, want to learn street dance, we should practice each kind of step to the extreme, day after day will have that kind of dance feeling.
