Eighteen-step duet course

Take the men's step as an example: the first step: two people stand face to face and hold hands. The man takes a step, moves forward with his left foot and follows the ground.

Second, three steps. Take back your left foot, turn 90 degrees clockwise and turn right. Take back your right foot. Put your left foot on the right rear. Raise your right hand to the front right. Pull the opponent's right hand with his left hand.

Steps four, five and six. Right foot, right front span. The right front span of the left foot. Step on your right foot again.

Step seven. Turn your left foot 90 degrees. Turn left and hold hands.

Steps eight and nine. Release your left hand and lift the left front. Turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left. Point your right foot to the ground.

Steps 10, 1 1 and 12. Turn your right foot 90 degrees. Step forward. Step forward with your left foot. Take another step with your right foot. At the same time, raise your right hand horizontally.

Steps 13, 14 and 15. Step back with your right foot. Step back with your left foot. Come back with your right foot and touch the ground with your toes.

Steps 16, 17 and 18. Take a big step with your right foot. Turn left foot 180 degrees. The two sides exchanged places.

Start the next cycle. The female step is the opposite of the male step.