Which is better, regular walking or square dancing?

I think both can achieve the purpose of fitness, but the fitness effect of square dancing is more obvious and faster. Walking to achieve the effect of fitness should pay attention to the need to achieve a certain amount of exercise can be.

1, first of all, talk about walking, walking can relieve mental tension, relaxation. Continuing to walk outdoors for about twenty minutes, your body muscles are mobilized, the amount of activity looks not big, but played a role in exercising muscles. Thinking can also be more open.

2, the second walk there are a few points to note, the first to at least 20 minutes after meals can be, because after eating, our stomach is digesting, this walking affects the digestion of the stomach. Walking distance should also pay attention to 2 to 4 kilometers can be, the activity is too small or too big for the body. And control the speed.

3, square dance is also known as dam dance. Square dance is the most huge system in the art of dance, because more in the square gathered and named, to entertain the body and mind as the main purpose. Dance square dance should also pay attention to, half an hour after the meal and then jump, otherwise the stomach is not good, but also stomach ache, and the beginning of the dance to jump with a soft dance, slowly transition speed, so that the body is good to accept, not easy to be injured, and do not starve to jump, so easy to hypoglycemic fainting. The process of dancing should also be prepared to drink water, to drink water, because sweating more, will be dehydrated.

4, so both can achieve the effect of fitness, is to pay attention to some matters, otherwise it will also cause harm to the body.