How to reduce waist fat ah?

Slim waist

The first move: abdominal exercises


Lying on the ground straighten the feet and then lift, put back, do not touch the ground, repeat to do 15 times. 3-4 times a day, 15 times each.

The second move: sit-ups to practice positive abdominal muscles


Knee flexion into 60 degrees, with pillows to cushion the feet. Put your right hand on your left knee while lifting your body until your shoulders are off the ground for 10 times, then switch hands and do it again for 10 times.

The third move: breathing side abdominal muscles


1. Relax the whole body, inhale a lot of air through the nose, and then use the mouth to slowly exhale, exhale about 70%, hold your breath.

2. Shrink your belly and the air rises above your chest, then puff up your belly to lower it to your abdomen.

3. Raise your breath to your chest, lower it to your abdomen, and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat five times, ****two sets.

The fourth move: turn around to practice internal and external obliques


Stand on your left foot, lift your right foot, hold your hands and twist your body with force, and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Alternate left and right for 20 times.