Find the Chinese title of every episode of the King of Thieves anime.

Sentence 1 October 20, 1999 俺はルフィ! King of Thieves になる男だ! (I am Luffy! The future King of Thieves!)

2nd Story November 17, 1999 The Great Gundam is here! Pirate Hunter Rolloa ゾロ (The Great Swordsman has appeared.) Pirate Hunter Loloa Zorro)

3rd Story November 24, 1999 モーガン vs ルフィ! Mysterious Beautiful Maiden Who (Morgan vs. Luffy! Who is the Mysterious Beauty)

Talk #4 December 1, 1999 ルフィの过去! Red Hair Sagus Debuts (Luffy's Past! Red-haired Sagus makes an appearance)

5th episode December 8, 1999 Terror! Enigma Force! The pirate Captain Dawning Buguai! (Terror! The mysterious power of the clown pirate Captain Baki)

6th episode December 15, 1999 Jedi Body Jedi! The Beast Makes I Mogi vs! (Jedi Jedi! Beast Master Moore vs. Luffy) "ワンピーススペシャル 闘! BAGI PIRATES DANCE!!!"

The 7th episode December 22, 1999 壮绝决闘! Zonuro vs. Quirun no Kabaji! (Magnificent Duel! Zoro the Swordsman vs. Kabaji the Acrobat) "ワンピースペシャル 闘! BAGIYU PIRATE DANCE!!!"

The 8th episode December 29, 1999 The Winner is Dotchi? A duel between the powers of the Devil and the Devil's real power! (Who's the winner? A duel between the powers of Devil Fruit!) "Warpies Spetsnaz" Duel! BAGI PIRATES DANCE!!!"

Not a False Thing

Word 9 January 12, 2000 Justice うそつき? キャプテンウソップ (Justice Lies? Captain Usopp)

10th episode January 19, 2000 The strongest 変な奴 in history! Hypnotist Zango (The Strongest Weirdo in History! Hypnotist Zango)

11th episode January 26, 2000 Conspiracy! Pirate Deacon キャプテンクロ (Conspiracy Exposed! Pirate Steward Captain Crowe )

Theme 12 February 2, 2000 Aggravation! The great attack and defense of the Cronenko Pirates' Group Sakado! (Battle! The Great Attack and Defense against the Black Cat Pirates' Ramp!)

The 13th episode February 9, 2000 Terror duo! The Nioban Brothers vs. Zonro (Terrorizing duo! Catman Brothers vs Zorro)

14th episode February 16, 2000 ルフィ Resurrection! Ms. Simone Kaya's desperate resistance (Luffy is resurrected! Ms. Kaya's desperate resistance)

The 15th episode February 23, 2000 クロを倒せ! (Knocked Kroo to the ground! Manly Usopp's sad decision!)

16th episode March 1, 2000 カヤを守れ! The ウソップ pirate group is greatly active! (Guard Kaya! The Usopp Pirates Group is active!)

The 17th episode March 8, 2000: Fury Explosion! Kuro Vs. Sulphur's decision! (Anger Explosion! Clow vs. Luffy final result!)

18th episode March 15, 2000 あんたが珍獣! ガイモンと奇妙な仲間 (You are the Precious Beast! Aimen and his magical companions)

19th episode March 22, 2000 Mitsurugi Ryu's Past! Zonro and Kuina's Oath! (Mitsurugi Ryu's Past! Zoro and Kuina's Vow!)


20th episode April 12, 2000 Famous Coco! Sea Restaurants no Sanji (Famous Chef! Sanji of the Sea Restaurant)

21st episode April 19, 2000 Recruiting Karezaru's Guests! Sanji's Rice and Kinen (Uninvited Guest! Sanji's rice and Kin's favor)

22nd episode April 26, 2000 The Strongest Pirate Fleet! Titus Durn! クリーク (The strongest pirate fleet! The strongest pirate fleet! The Great Pirate - Hepsfoot no Zeph (Guardian Baratieh! The Great Pirate Barefoot Zephyr)

24th episode May 10, 2000 Eagle's Eye ミホーク! 剣豪ゾロ海に散る (Hawk-Eye's Mihawk! Swordsman Zoro floats away in the sea)

25th episode May 17, 2000 Must Kill Footwork Explosion! Sanji vs. Iron Wall's Pale (必杀足技炸裂)(必杀足技! Sanji vs Iron Wall's Pallu)

26th episode May 24, 2000 Zephyr and Sanji's Dream! Fantasy ALLBLUE (Sanji and Zeph's Dream! Dream of ALLBLUE)

27th episode May 31, 2000 The Cold and Very Cold Ghost Man! Pirate Fleet General Captain Gin (Cold and ruthless ghost person! Pirate Fleet Captain Kin)

The 28th episode June 7, 2000 Deadly Nemo! Seiya Lufti vs. Kriek! (Won't die! Luffy vs. Riku)

29th episode June 21, 2000 Death to Seiya! Kukuta Ippon no Gun! (Deadly fight result! A gun in the stomach!)

The 30th episode June 28, 2000: "The Trip Tachi! (The journey begins! The sea cook travels with Luffy)

Oranges and Windmills

31st Story July 12, 2000 The Worst Man in the East Sea! Fishman Pirate Arron (The Worst Man in the East Sea! Fishman Pirate Arron!)

The 32nd episode July 12, 2000 ココヤシ村の魔女! Aron's Female Cadre (The Witch of Cocoyasi Village! The Female Cadre of Arlorn!)

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33rd Word July 19, 2000 ウソップ die す ?!!!! ルフィ 上陸はまだ? (Usopp is dead ? Luffy hasn't landed yet?)

The 34th Word July 26, 2000 All hands on deck! (ウソップが言るナミの真実 (全员集合! Usopp tells the truth about Nami)

35th episode August 2, 2000 Secret Past! Female Warrior Vermillion! (The unknown past! Female Warrior Bellemare!)

36th episode August 9, 2000 Raw! Mother Bellemare and Nami's Trip! (Survival! Mother Bellemare and Nami's Trip)

37th episode August 16, 2000 ルフィ立つ! The end of Richelieu's constraints! (Luffy stands up! The result of betraying the pact!)

38th episode August 23, 2000 ルフィ 大ピンチ! Fishman vs. Luffy Pirates (Luffy is in danger.) (Fishman vs. Luffy Pirates)

39th episode August 30, 2000 ルフィ 水没没! ゾロVSタコのはっちゃん (Luffy falls into the water! Zorro vs. Hachiko)

40th episode September 6, 2000 Kouri Kouki Battler! 激闘サンジとウソップ (Great Warrior! 激斗山治與乌索ッ普)

第41话 2000年9月13日 ルフィ全開! Nami's Determination and Maiwara Hat (Luffy in full swing! Nami's Determination and Straw Hat!)

The 42nd episode September 20, 2000 Blowup! Fishman Aron's fierce attack in the sea (炸裂! Fishman Aron Sea Kara's fierce attack)

43nd episode September 27, 2000 The end of the fishman empire! Nami wa me no nakama da! (The end of the Fishman Empire! Nami is my partner!)

The 44th episode October 11th, 2000: The Smile Tour! Saraba's hometown, Coconut Tree Village (Traveling with a smile on your face! Farewell to the village of Coconut Tree)

Title 45 October 25, 2000 Bounty Chief! Maiwara no Luffy is known to the world (Bounty Chief! Straw Hat Luffy is known all over the world!)

Little Bucky's Big Adventure

The 46th episode November 1, 2000 Maiwara is chasing after him! 小さなバギーの大冒険 (Chasing after the Straw Hat Kid! Little Bucky's Great Adventure)

47th episode November 8, 2000 お待ちかね! Aa resurrection of Captain Bugsy! (Long time no see! The resurrected Captain Bucky!)

The Great Legend Begins

Sentence 48 November 15, 2000 Beginning of Mari and the End of the Town ローグタウン 上陸 (Beginning of the Town and the End of the Town ローグタウン 上陸)

第49话 2000年11月22日 三代鬼彻と雪走! Zoro's New Sword & Lady Tsao-cho (Third-generation Ghost Cheer & Snow Walk! Zoro's New Blade and Female Tsao-cho)

50th episode November 29, 2000 ウソップ vs Zirenrei no Dadi True Day's Duel (Usopp vs Dadi with a child's noon duel!)

The 51st episode December 6, 2000 YAMA NO CUISINE BATTLE? Sanji VS Beautiful Chef (Burning Cooking Battles? Sanji vs Beauty Chef)

52nd episode December 13, 2000 バギーのリベンジ! (Baki's plot!) (Bucky's Plot! The Man Who Smiles at the Execution Table!)

The 53rd episode January 10, 2001 Densetsu is the beginning! Aim for the Great Voyage (The legend has begun! The goal is the great voyage)

The Legend of the Thousand-Year Dragon

The 54th episode January 17, 2001 A New Tana-ru Adventure of Giving Sense! Mysterious Maiden Apis (Hunch of a New Adventure! The Mysterious Maiden Apis)

55th episode January 24, 2001 Miracle Creature! Apis's Secret and the Island of Legends (Miracle Creature! The Secret of Apis and the Island of Legends)

56th episode January 31, 2001 エリック出撃! Battleship Island Kara's Great Escape! (Elric Strikes! The Great Breakout from Battleship Island!)

The 57th episode February 7, 2001 A lonely island in the desperate sea! 伝說のロストアイランド (绝海の孤島! The Lost Land of Legend)

58th episode February 14, 2001 Duel in the Ruins! Tense Zoro vs. Elric (Duel of the Ruins! (Tense Zoro vs. Elric)

59th episode February 21, 2001 ルフィ completely surrounded! Governor Nelson's Secret Strategy (Luffy is completely surrounded.) Governor Nelson's secret strategy)

60th episode February 28, 2001 Dancing in the Big Sky! The Sulu Thousand Years of Denshi! (Dancing in the Sky! The Legend of a Thousand Years of Awakening)

61st episode March 7, 2001 The Fury's Decision! The Red Continent is coming! (Furious End! Cross the Akatsuki Continent!)

Entering the Great Voyage

Sentence 62 March 14, 2001 Initial Halt! Huge クヅヲ . ヲブ - ソ now ゐ! (First Halt! The giant whale Rabu appears!)

63rd Story March 21, 2001 Male Bound! Luffy and Kujira Re-open Vow (Manly Pact! Luffy and the Whale Reunion Vow!)

The 64th episode March 28, 2001 Pirate Welcome Town? The town where the pirates are welcome? (A town that welcomes pirates? Landing on Mount Wesker!)

The 65th episode April 15, 2001 Blowout Triple Dagger Stream! Zorro vs Baroque Workers (Blow up the Three Daggers! Zorro vs Baroque Workhouse)

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66th Episode April 22, 2001 True Grits Wins and Losses! The great duel of ルフィ vs ゾロ mystery! (A showdown! Luffy vs Zorro Mystery Great Duel!)

The 67th episode April 29, 2001 The King's Daughter, Vivi, is in session! The Luffy Pirates set sail (Princess Bibi's request.) The Luffy Pirates Group sets sail!)

Gobimapo's Naval Struggle

The 68th episode May 13, 2001 コビメッポ 海军鬥闘記 (加油高比! Kobi Meibo's Naval Struggle!)

69th episode May 20, 2001 Covimepo's Decision! Lt. Admiral Garp's Parental Heart (Gobimepo's Determination! Lieutenant General Gap's Parental Heart

The Giant's Little Garden

Talk #70 May 27, 2001 Swire's Island! Shadows of the Reitolgardein! (Swire's Island! Shadows lurking in the small garden!)

Sentence 71 June 3, 2001 でっかい决闘! Giant Dori and Ploogi (Giant Duel! Giant Dhari and üprogi)

72nd Story June 10, 2001 ルフィ怒る! 聖なる决闘に卑劣な罠 (Luffy's Great Rage! A vile trap in a sacred duel)

73rd episode June 17, 2001 ブロキー victory cry! エルバフの决着 (Ploogi's cry of victory! Ebabu's Duel!)

The 74th episode June 24, 2001 Demon キャンドル! Unwilling Tears and Angry Tears (Devil's Candle! Unwilling Tears and Angry Tears)

Theme 75 July 1, 2001 ルフィを襲う魔力! CARRIEZ TRAP (Luffy is attacked by magic! Color Ingredient's Trap)

76th episode July 8, 2001 Iiza counter-attack! (Luffy is attacked by a magic spell! (Unexpected counterattack! Usopp's wit and the Flaming Star!)

The 77th episode July 15, 2001 Saraba Giant's Island! アラバスタを目指せ (Goodbye Giant's Island! Set off for Alabaster!)

78th episode July 22, 2001 ナミが病気? The snow that falls on the sea is heading towards Konoha! (Nami is sick? Toward the direction of the snow falling in the sea)

The Country Without a Name

Word 79 September 2, 2001 Miraculous Attack! ブリキング号とブリキのワポル (奇袭! The Briggs and the Briggs' Wapol!)

The 80th episode September 9, 2001 Healer's Island? Name's Moki no Kuni no Hiken! (An island without a doctor? Adventure in the Nameless Country! )

The 81st episode September 16, 2001 ハッピーかい? The witch and the healer who called out to her! (Who is she? The Witch and the Doctor)

82nd episode October 7, 2001 ドルトンの覚悟! ワポル军団島に上陆 (Druton's realization! Landing on Wapol Legion!)

Word 83 October 7, 2001 Snow's Dwelling Island! Drama Rocky landed! (Snow-drifting island! Climb the drum-roofed mountain!)

The 84th episode October 21, 2001 トナカイは青っ鼻! チョッパーの秘密 (Blue-nosed reindeer! Sobel's Secret!)

Title 85 October 28, 2001 はみだし者の夢! Yabu Healer Hiruko! (Idiot's Dream! Quack doctor Hiruruk!)

Theme 86 November 4, 2001 ヒルルクの桜と受け継がれゆく意志! (Hiruruk's cherry blossoms and the will that was inherited!)

Theme 87 November 11, 2001 VS ワポル Army Group! The actual power of Bakbako! (VS Wapol Legion! The power of the Tun Tun Fruit!)

88th episode November 18, 2001 Animalistic Devil 悪魔の実! チョッパー七段変形 (Animal-based Devil Fruit! Sobel's seven-segment transformation!)

The 89th episode November 25, 2001 The end of the kingdom's domination! The Flag of Faith is forever (When the domination of the kingdom ends! The flag of faith is forever)

90th episode December 2, 2001 ヒルルクの桜! ドラムロッキーの奇迹 (希ル鲁クの樱花! The Miracle of Round Drum Roof Mountain!)

Sentence 91 December 9, 2001 さようならドラム島! I'm going out to the sea! (Goodbye Round Drum Roof Island! I'm going out to sea!)


92nd Episode December 9, 2001 アラバスタの英雄と船上のバレリーナ (Alabaster's hero and the ballerina on the boat)

93rd Episode December 16, 2001 いざ砂漠の国へ! The Powder that Calls for Rain and the Rebel Army (Arrival in the Land of the Desert! Calling out to the Powder of Rain and the Rebel Army)

Theme 94 December 23, 2001 Hogetta's Reunion! Nun's name is Firefist Eis (Howdy Doody's Reunion! His name is Fire Fist Eis)

95th episode January 6, 2002 Eis and Rufus! Fiery Ideals and Brotherly Ties (Ace and Luffy! (Fiery ideals and brotherly ties)

96th episode January 13, 2002 Green Town of Elumaru and Konfuji! (Green No Town Elumaru and Kung Fu Manatee!)

97th episode January 20, 2002 Sand Country Adventure! Demons inhabiting the hot earth (Adventure in the Land of Desert! Inhabiting Demonic Objects in the Hot Earth)

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98th Episode January 27, 2002 Sand and Desert Pirate Group Debuts! Freedom Born of Men (Desert Pirates Group debuts! Men Born for Freedom!)

99th episode February 3, 2002 ニセモノの意地! Heart of the Anti Rebellion Army Kamikazes! (impostor's backbone! Heart of the Rebel Army Camus!)

The 100th episode February 10, 2002 Counterinsurgency Warrior コーザ! ビビに誓った夢! (Rebel Army Warrior Kosa! ビビに誓った夢!)

The 101st episode February 17, 2002 Yangyan's Duel! Eis vs. Male Scorpion (Duel of the Yangyan! Ace vs. Scorpion Man)

The 102nd episode February 24, 2002 Relic and Misty Son! Bibi & Middlesex & Koku no Kattachi (Relics and Lost Boys! Bibi & Partners & Nation's Survival)

Talk 103 March 3, 2002 スパイダースカフェに 8 o'clock Enemy Cadre Gathering (Spider-Man Cafe 8 o'clock Enemy Cadre Gathering!)

Talk #104 March 10, 2002 ルフィ VS ビビ! (Luffy vs. Bibi: A Tearful Vow of Gambling with Companions) A tearful oath to bet on your companions!)

The 105th episode March 17, 2002 アラバスタ Battle Line! 梦の町レインベース (Alabaster Battle Line! Dream Town Rainlands)

106th episode March 24, 2002 Jedi Jedi Animal Trap! Reindeer Dinosaurs (A trap of no avail! (A surprise entry into the rain feast)

The 107th episode April 14, 2002 ユートピア作戰発動! 動き出した反乱 (Ideal Country Combat Begins! Rebellion has begun!)

The 108th episode April 21, 2002 The Terror of Bananawanni and Misty Prince (The Terror of Banana Crocodile and MR. Prince)

The 109th episode April 28, 2002 The Key to Reverse Turning to the Great Exit! DELUXE VOICE! (The key to the Reverse Great Escape! Candle Ball!)

The 110th episode May 5, 2002 Emotionally Useless Death! Luffy vs. Krokodile (A death match with no need for mercy.) Luffy vs. Krokodile!)

The 111th episode May 12, 2002 Miracles への疾走! Alabasta Animal Ranch (Miracle's Run! Alabaster Animal Army!)

Theme 112 May 19, 2002 Counterinsurgency Army vs. King's Army! The duel is between the Alabasters and the King's Army! (Rebel Army vs. King's Army! Duel at Arubana)

Talk 113 June 2, 2002 Sighki no Arubana! The battle of Captain Kahlil! (Sighs of Arubana! (激斗卡鲁队长!)

The 114th episode June 9, 2002 Midsummer's Dream! Dueling Mogra Tsukahan Street (Swear to the dreams of your companions.) Dueling Mole Mound 4 Street)

115th episode June 16, 2002 This big reveal! Mane Mane Manta Jigoku! (Ben Daisen! A parody montage!)

116th episode June 23, 2002 Tomoに変身! Boncore Continuous Ballet Punch (Nami transforms.) (Pang-Gele continuous ballet punch!)

Theme 117 June 30, 2002 Nami's Cyclone Attention Report! クリマタクト BLOW UP (Nami's Cyclone Alert! (炸裂魔幻三节棍)

第118话 2002年7月14日 王家に伝わる秘密! Ancient Weapons PLUTO (The hidden secret of the royal generation! Ancient Weapons PLUTO)

119th episode July 21, 2002 The Ultimate Intent of the Gundam! The power to cut through steel and iron and the breath of things (The essence of the Howe Sword! The power to cut through steel and iron and the breath of everything)

120th episode August 4, 2002 戦いは終わった! コーザが掲げた白い旗 (The war is over! Gosa raised the white flag)

Theme 121 August 11, 2002 ビビのの sound of the line side! The hero dances and descends! (Bibi's voice's whereabouts! The hero descends from the sky!)

The 122nd episode August 18, 2002 Sandwarni and Mizurufu! Duel Round 1 (Sand Crocodile vs. Water Luffy! Duel Round 2)

Theme 123 August 25, 2002 ワニっぽい! The King's Tomb へ走れルフィ! (Catching up with Sand Crocodile! Luffy rushes toward the King's family's tomb!)

Theme 124 September 1, 2002 悪夢の時迫る! Koko is the secret base of the Sand Sand Group (The time of the nightmare is approaching! That's the secret base of the Sand Sand Group)

125th episode September 8, 2002 The Great なる Tsubasa! I ga name is the country's patron saint, ペル (Great Wing! I am the country's patron saint, Bill)

126th episode September 15, 2002 The Crossing! Rain falls on Alabasta! (Beyond Everything! Rain falls on Arubana)

127th episode October 6, 2002 Weapon Yosaraba! Pirate and Ikutsuka's Justice (Put down your weapons! (Pirate-style justice)

128th episode October 6, 2002 Pirate Tachi's Banquet and Alabasta's escape battle! (Pirate Tachi's banquet and Arubana's escape battle)

129th episode October 20, 2002 Beginning of the Mari! Bibi ga speechる冒険谭 (From now on! The Adventures of Bibi's Speech)

The 130th episode October 27, 2002 Dangerous Kane! The seven of them are Nico Robbin! (Dangerous Scent! The seventh person is Nico Rubin!)

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TV Original Short Story

Title 131 November 3, 2002 Hajimoto Patient! Rambler Ball Secret Words (The first patient! The secret of the Rambler Ball! )

132nd episode November 10, 2002 Voyager's Rebellion! Yuzurenai Dreams! (Voyager goes against the grain! For the sake of his dream!)

The 133rd episode November 17, 2002: A Dream Reached! Calleigh's Iron Man Sanji (Inherited Dream! Iron Man Sanji!)

The 134th episode of November 24, 2002 Sakikase to see Sesumasu! Man ウソップ Eight Feet Jade (Let the flowers bloom.) 男子男子ウソップ八尺玉)

第135话 2002年12月1日 噂の海贼狩り! Sasurai no Zorro (Legendary Pirate Hunter! The Invincible Swordsman Zoro)

The Usurious Saini

The 136th Word December 8, 2002 ヤギの島のゼニィと山の中の海贼船! (The Xeni of Goat Island and the Pirate Ship in the Mountain)

Word 137 December 15, 2002 Storage Karimatsuka? Gold Loan ゼニィの野望! (Turned a sum ah? Loan Shark Saini's ambition!)

The 138th episode December 22, 2002 The island's treasure line! The Zeni pirate group strikes! (The whereabouts of the island's treasure! The Zeni pirate group strikes!)

The Rainbow-Colored Mist

The 139th episode January 5, 2003 The Rainbow-Colored Mist Denshi! ルルカ Island's Elder ヘンゾ (The Legend of the Rainbow-Colored Mist! Ruruga Island's old man, ヘンゾ)

140th episode January 12, 2003 Eternal Kingdom's Dweller! PANPKIN PIRATE DANCE! (Residents of the Land of Forever! The Beruna Pirates!)

The 141st episode: January 19, 2003 "Thoughts of my hometown" (故郷への想い)! The Graveyard of the Unable Pirates! (Memories of the hometown! The Pirate Graveyard that I can't leave!)

The 142nd episode: January 26, 2003 "Death by chaos"! ウェットン野望と虹の塔 (乱战必死! Bette's Ambition and the Rainbow Tower!)

The 143rd episode February 2, 2003 そして伝説が始まる! いざ虹の彼方へ (And so the legend begins! Go to the other side of the rainbow)

A Man's Romance

144th episode February 9, 2003 Record Capture! King Salbaji Mashira! (Stripped of Records! Salvage King Masira)

145th episode February 16, 2003 Monster appearance! White Hedgehog's hand is out of his hand (Monster debut.) Don't take a shot at Whitebeard's partner!)

146th episode February 23, 2003 Dreams! Mockery Street モックタウン! (Don't underestimate dreams! Mocking Street Mokutown)

147th episode March 9, 2003 Pirate's High Mileage! The Man Who Talks in Dreams and the King of Undersea Exploration (The Pirate's High Peak! The Man Who Talks in Dreams and the Undersea Exploration King!)

148th episode March 16, 2003 伝說の一族! うそつきノーランド (The Legendary One! 大话王罗兰度)

第149话 2003年3月23日 云舵いっぱい! (Chase after the white clouds!) (Hit full rudder to the white clouds! Chase the Guide Bird)

Talk #150 April 13, 2003 Fantasy or Yehawanai! Bellamy vs Saruyama (Fantasies don't come true!) Birnami vs Saruyama United)

The 151st time April 20, 2003 100 million men! World's Highest Power and Pirate Blackbeard (The man worth 100 million dollars! The world's highest power and the pirate Blackbeard)

The 152nd episode April 27, 2003 The ship is empty! 突き上げる海流に乗れ (Let the ship go into the air! Ride on the sudden sea current!)

Empty Island

The 153rd episode May 4, 2003 Koko is an empty sea! Knight of the Sky and Gate of Heaven (This is the Sea of Air! Sky Rider and Heaven's Gate)

Theme 154 May 11, 2003 God's Country Skaipia! 云の渚の天使たち (神の国国 SKYPIEA!云の滩的天使)

第155话 2003年5月18日 Forbidden Sanctuary! God's Dwelling Island and Heaven's Cuts! (Forbidden Holy Land! The Island Where God Lives and Heaven's Sanctions)

The 156th episode May 25, 2003 Early Kumo Criminals! SKYPIEAの法の番人 (早くも犯罪者!? SKYPIEA's Law Enforcement)

Vol. 157, June 1, 2003 (脫出なるか!? The trial of the God of Motion! (To escape? The Trial of God that started long ago!)

The 158th episode June 22, 2003 ラブリー通りの罠! 全全なる神エネル (Trap on Cute Avenue! Almighty God Eneru)

159th episode July 6, 2003 すすめカラス Maru! 生贽の祭坛を目指せ (Advance the Raven! Target the Living Altar)

Theme 160 July 13, 2003 Survival rate 10%! Shinsengumi Satori (心纲使いの神官サトリ)! (Survival rate 10%! The Shinto priest who uses the Heart Net Daigo)

Theme 161 July 20, 2003 Jade's Trial of Might! Lost Forest's Deadly Battle (The threat of the Trial of the Ball! Deadly Battle in the Lost Forest!)

Theme 162 August 3, 2003 チョッパー危うし! Hara-kami vs. Shinken シュラ (Soprano Danger! Genkami vs. Shinken Sura!)

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The 163rd episode August 10, 2003 Mahabharata Uncharted! Trial of New and Trial of Love! (Increasingly Incredible! Trial of the Rope and Trial of Love!?)

The 164th episode August 17, 2003 シャンドラの灯を灯せ! Warrior Wapper (Light up the lamp of Sandora! Warrior Webber)

Theme 165 August 24, 2003 Sky's Golden Township ジャヤ! Megumi-Sensei Kami no Sha! (Sky's Golden Township Jaya! Aim for the shrine!)

The 166th episode September 7, 2003 The Night Before Gold Festival! Thoughts from the night of the gold festival! (Gold Eve Festival! Visions of Bass!)

The 167th episode September 21, 2003 God-Enel makes his appearance! 生き残りへの夜明曲 (God-Enelu makes his appearance! (The Nocturne for Survival)

Theme 168 October 12, 2003 The Tooth をむく大蛇! (遂に始まる生き残り合戦 (長牙大蛇! Begins the war for survival!)

The 169th episode October 19, 2003 Sacrifice's Platoon! 戦鬼ワイパーの覚 (Sacrifice your life for the platoon strike! 戦鬼ワイパーの觉悟!)

The 170th episode of October 19, 2003 Aerial Battle! Pirate Zorro vs Warrior Burahame (A furious battle in the air.) Pirate Zorro vs Warrior Buraham!)

The 171st episode October 26, 2003 Nenroku Ignition Cannon! Luffy vs War Ghost Webber (Burning Cannon! (Luffy vs. Sengoku Weeper!)

The 172nd episode November 2, 2003 Numa's Trial! チョッパー vs. Shinken ゲダツ! (Numa no Trial! Sobel vs. Nirvana the Magus!)

The 173rd episode November 9, 2003 Invincible Power! Akasareku Enelu no Masamune (Invincible Ability! God-Enniru appears!)

Theme 174 November 16, 2003 Illusion's Capital! The city of fantasy! The remains of the majestic シャンドラ! (City of Illusion! The Majestic Ruins of Shandora!)

The 175th episode December 21, 2003 Survival Rate 0%! チョッパー VS Magus Omu (Survival Rate 0%.) Sobel vs Magus Omu!)

The 176th episode January 11, 2004 Giant Bean Vine! Upper Ruins Deathmatch (Ascend the giant beanstalk! The Upper Ruins' Deadly Battle!)

Theme 177 January 18, 2004 Iron Trial of the True Bone Top! The White Thorn Dismal! (The True Bone Top of the Trial of Iron! White Thorn Deathmatch!)

The 178th episode January 25, 2004 ほとばしる斬击! Zonro vs. Shinken Oyumu! (Whistling out of the Chopper! Zoro vs. Magus Omu!)

The 179th episode February 1, 2004 The Upper Ruins of Avalokiteshvara! Final Quintet! (Collapsing Upper Ruins! Quintet to the Finale!)

The 180th episode February 8, 2004 Ancient Ruins Showdown! God-Enel! (Ancient Ruins Showdown! God-Enelu's Purpose!)

The 181st episode February 15, 2004 The ambition of the limited earth head! Ark Makshimu! (The ambition to travel to the limitless earth! Ark Maxim!)

The 182nd episode February 22, 2004 "The Pirate Luffy Versus the Pirate Maxim! Pirate Luffy vs. God Enel! (Final Battle! Pirate Luffy vs. God Enelu!)

The 183rd episode February 29, 2004 マクツム浮上! (The beginning of the movement of the Ataヂスピア! (MAXIM surfaces! (Start Despair!)

Theme 184 March 7, 2004 ルフイ falls! Kami no Ki and Nami no Mami! (Luffy falls! God's Ruling and Naomi's Wish!)

The 185th episode March 14, 2004 Eyesight 覚めた二人! Ignite える 恋の救出前線! (Awakening of the two! Burning love rescue front line!)

186th episode March 21, 2004 Rhapsody of Despair への狂想曲 迫り來る空岛の消灭!! (Rhapsody of Despair, the destruction of the Empty Island is imminent!)