Where is Tiechi Village?

Tiechi Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Xijiang Town, Min County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 62112104219, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 62 1 126. The postal code is 743000, the long-distance area code is 0932, and the license plate number is Gan J. Tiechi Village is adjacent to Hongtu Village, Baniang Village, Yagu Village, Tangjiachuan Village, Machao Village, Fukang Village, Hacha Village, Dayang Village, Qingshan Village, Wang Lun Village, Lazhu Village, Daping Village, Wachang Village and Niuba Village.

There are some tourist attractions near Tiechi Village, such as Du Lang Wetland Grassland, Sanlipu Memorial Hall of Zhou Min Conference, Erlang Mountain in Min County, Mayecang Scenic Area and Min County Museum. There are some specialties, such as Angelica sinensis, Yan Tao, Potentilla anserina pig, black fur sheep and wild strawberry.