How to make a note to your mother-in-law

How to give your mother-in-law notes "I drift in the wilderness

The end of the drift is the tolerance of your love

The tenderness of your eyes

Also for me to retain the heart of the trust"

Style: sweet and light | Suitable for the process: marriage proposal, vlog soundtrack

Recently the backstage A bride sent a request for help, just boyfriend unit recently had a cruise travel benefits, he wanted to bring his parents and her together, was happy, but was WeChat notes this matter to the difficult.

Our own parents originally gave the boyfriend's parents note is uncle aunt, but the two elders directly to their own note "daughter-in-law".

And a few days together will inevitably open the phone, if you see their "uncle, aunt" notes, she was afraid that they are a little mind or unhappy.

While it's a small thing, it's worth noting that we've done this before, so I'll just summarize everyone's answers: what are your notes to your mother-in-law?


emmm, my mother-in-law was my former high school homeroom teacher...

It used to be "Mr. Zhang" on my cell phone, and I called her that for years, and even after I got married, I still can't help but say it sometimes.

The point is that she is also used to and enjoys this name, so the WeChat note I simply also "Mr. Zhang"


My mother-in-law is a very lovely old lady, because she got married late, so this year she is almost 60 years old.

After she retired, she was selected as the deputy director of the neighborhood committee, and then she liked it when people called her "Director Li"!

So my husband also called her that at home, and then I WeChat note also made "Director Li".

It just so happens that I think "mother-in-law" is a little bit rusty, and "mom" is a little bit shy.


My mother-in-law plays the guzheng (Chinese zither). My mother-in-law plays the guzheng, and my note was " Guzheng beauty", she was so happy to see it, and praised me for my talent


The note to my mother-in-law is "Lao Cao", because her last name is Cao, when she was young, she was a man of the world, and could not wait for the whole city to know the person, everyone called her Lao Cao, and she liked it very much.

So I made a note of her Lao Cao as well, and occasionally called her Lao Cao.

She notes me as "girl", probably because she thinks it's a bit closer to me


I was going to change it to "mom", but I was afraid that my own mom would be jealous.

So one changed to "Wang Gege", one is "Princess Chen", both of you are small fairy ~

@A ?Shadow

Husband's last name is Wu, so the note w beauty....


My own mother is the "first beautiful woman", my mother-in-law is the "first girl", anyway, both need to be coaxed.


My mom's note is "mother", my mother-in-law's is "mother-in-law", and my father-in-law's is "father-in-law".

My last name is Bao, so my in-laws note me as BaoBao ~ hahaha


Seriously, I used to note my mother-in-law as "his mom", and I really didn't think much of it at the time, I just thought it was "his mom! I just thought it was "his mom".

Later, my best friend saw it and asked me "Who is your 'mom' in this note", and I realized that there was a possibility of ambiguity


Don't laugh, but on this side of the family, the dialect of "mom" is always the same. I'm not sure what I mean by "mom", so my note to my husband's mom is "his mom", and my note to my grandma is "his grandma", and my note to my husband's mom is "his grandma". "I'm not sure if you're a good person or not.

It seems a little weird to write it down like that, but it's really normal for all of us in the family.


My note: "mother-in-law", not "mother-in-law", but "mother-in-law and mother-in-law"


I didn't have a note for my mother-in-law on WeChat. I didn't note my mother-in-law on WeChat, my WeChat is my real name, so my mother-in-law didn't note me on WeChat, and my husband and I didn't save my mother-in-law's number on our cell phones, so we just memorized it.

Because this cell phone number is the only contact information of our early love, twelve years ago to memorize it

@Maiden's Prayer

I think that I sunshine this chat record, you understand why it is this note, after all, she is the first leader of the neighborhood square dance!


The note to my future mother-in-law is of course "Chi-Mom", and the note to me is "Eldest Daughter"

@Looking Back

I note my mother-in-law as "ZuZongMom", and my father-in-law as "ZuZongDad", and haha, the phone calls are like that too.

No note to my husband, but our family is very good, in-laws to me feel better than parents to me.

Once I accidentally heard my mother-in-law say to my father-in-law to your daughter to prepare for the well, in fact, is to say that I, because my husband's family is the only son ~

@Luna mom?

Note is "brother's queen adult", not married to the past, they do not have a mother, so I want to want to change the aunt's note to mother ah, to me than the real mother and stepmother to be too much better, crying?


Future mom.


Because there is no marriage well, in a relationship for more than 3 years soon to be 4 years, before the note is aunty to come, in the middle of a breakup with a boyfriend, and his mother very heartfelt talk.

She said that even if we break up to recognize me as a goddaughter, has always been very good to me, and by chance I found my own note is the same as my mother to save the nickname, and now it is stored as "A Niang" ~