The younger sister was still young and lived a simple, happy life. The older brother, however, has always longed for the outside world, for the life of human society.
The brother, on the other hand, has been longing for the world outside, for the life of human society. But he is not assured of his sister, and he is afraid of the great forest, so he has never had the courage to try to go deep into the forest.
One day, my brother went into the forest to look for food and firewood as usual. As he walked along, he suddenly saw a little fox in the bushes, looking at him without moving. The little fox had red fur, a big tail, two eyes that seemed to glow, and most noticeably, a handful of white hair on its forehead. Brother was surprised; he had never seen such a fiery red, fiery red fox in the forest. Besides, foxes were wary and never locked eyes with people like this. But years of experience in foraging in the forest had also taught him that foxes were very clever animals and always found places where there was plenty of food. At that moment the little fox suddenly turned his head and ran off with his big tail waving. Brother hurriedly followed, thinking that he might be able to find a new source of food.
Strangely enough, the little fox seemed to be intentionally guiding his brother, running a few steps, then stopping and waiting for his brother, until he was close, and then continue forward. In this way, my brother followed the little fox to run farther and farther, did not notice that the road around him, is no longer the one that he often walks.
I don't know how far I walked, suddenly my brother realized that the little fox was gone. But when he tried to turn back, he couldn't find the way he had come, and the marks he had made. He was lost in the big forest. Just when he was anxious, behind a big tree in front of him, there seemed to be a light vaguely. Brother sought the light to go, gradually realized that almost to the edge of the forest, and in the distance outside the forest, is a lighted house.
People! Brother suddenly got excited, as if the scene in the dream came to reality, he ran quickly towards the light, not noticing at all that on a tree he ran past, there was a mark he had made, pointing in the opposite direction.
The brother ran into the village, which he had never been to before, and took a few more steps forward to a street. On either side of the street were neatly lit street lamps, dimly lit, with figures swaying in the windows of the houses on either side.
Feeling hungry and tired, the older brother walked towards the nearest house.
"Knock, knock, knock," brother knocked on the door, "Uh, I'm lost, can I come in and rest?" The brother asked timidly.
The door opened, and a grandfather with a changed face looked at brother and let him in. The room was simple and clean, with a small dining table by the door with baked potatoes and a bowl of steaming mushroom soup.
The old grandfather told his brother to do down and eat, and his brother, starving, ate and drank. When he had eaten and drunk enough, he remembered that his sister was still waiting for him at home. He was about to ask the old grandfather how to walk back, but when he turned his head he only saw the old grandfather's tearful face.
At this time, his sister was waiting in the cabin for his brother to come home. Normally at this time my brother would have been home already, and today it would be soon.
"Knock, knock, knock" sounded a knock on the door, the sister rushed over to open the door, but there was nothing outside.
"Who is it?" My sister asked,
No one answered
My sister was about to close the door when she looked down and saw a little fox.
The little fox looked at her sister and suddenly tugged at her pant leg with its mouth and turned and ran off in the direction of the forest. The sister was hesitant, wondering if she should go after the little fox. The little fox ran a few steps to see his sister did not follow, then turned back to look at her, as if there was a magical power in his eyes, so that his sister could not refuse.
So the sister walked out of the house with the little fox.
Over the forest, the moon was full and bright, illuminating every forest path. In the moonlight, two tiny silhouettes were running one behind the other in the snow. The soft moonlight shone on the sister, as if there was magic cast on it, and the sister slowly grew two pointed ears and a big fiery red tail, and the sister turned into a little red fox, different from the one running in front of her, which had a handful of distinct white hairs on its forehead. The silhouettes of the two foxes running one behind the other were sly and beautiful in the moonlight.
The brother who couldn't go back to the forest lived in the town, and decades passed, and the brother of that year had turned into a grandfather with gray hair. Every day he misses his sister in the hut and waits for the little fox that brought him here to be able to take him back.
One night, he was just preparing dinner - the only baked potato and mushroom soup he knew how to make - when suddenly there was a knock at the door,
"Uh, I'm lost, can I come in and rest?" A timid boy asked at the door.