Simple teaching of square dance to lose weight on the back

Lose weight on the back without utensils

(1) Fly on your stomach

The gasket should not be too soft. Keep your hands and feet straight, lift them up at the same time, and stretch them as far as possible. It is best to keep 10- 15 seconds and do it at least 6-8 times.

(2) Lie on your side

Attention-never touch the sofa with your hips. Keep one arm straight forward and the other arm attached to the body 10- 15 seconds, and do it 3-4 times on each side.

(3) prone

Let your hips stick to the edge of the sofa (or bed), fix your feet, support a small cushion with your hands behind your head, and slowly lean back for 8- 10 seconds, and repeat for 6-8 times.

(5) prone locust type

Hold your ankles with both hands (your back will bow), and try to separate your arms and legs as much as possible, and do it 6-8 times.

Lose weight with yoga ball back

(1) Flexion and extension recommendation

(Exercise biceps brachii, chest, crotch and gluteal muscles)

1. Feet shoulder width apart, feet forward. Lie on your back with your hips and lower back on the edge of the fitness ball.

2. Take a dumbbell weighing 5 ~ 10 lb (2.3 ~ 4.5 kg) in each hand, put your arms down and lean against the ball.

Key points: 1 .. Tighten the abdomen, contract the biceps brachii, bend the arm, and lift the dumbbell to the shoulder.

2. Head and neck lean back, lean on the fitness ball behind you, shrink your hips, and lift your crotch to be parallel to the ground. Hold the dumbbell above your chest.

3. Restore the crotch and arms to their original positions, and repeat the whole movement 10~ 12 times.

(2) Expanding the chest and hugging the shoulders

(Exercise chest and back shoulders)

A. Hold a 3-8 lb (1.4-3.6 kg) dumbbell in each hand.

Point: 1 Head, neck and shoulders are all on the ball.

2. Feet are shoulder-width apart and toes are forward.

3. Lift your hips until your torso is parallel to the ground.

4. Put your arms out to both sides, with your upper arms parallel to the ground and your elbows slightly bent.

B. Lift the dumbbell above the chest. Then cross your arms until the dumbbell almost touches your shoulder, then slowly lift the dumbbell and return to its original position along the original route. Do 10 times.


1. For obese parents, they can choose brisk walking, jogging and swimming to further lose weight. Girls who feel that they have too much upper body fat can also strengthen aerobic exercise.

2. The most effective way to lose weight on the back is to combine aerobic exercise with partial weight loss, so we need to stick to losing weight on the back and combine some aerobic exercise, so as to achieve our goal faster.