The temperature is very high today. My mother took me boating in Xuanwu Lake. When we arrived at Xuanwu Lake too early, no one had rowed yet. My mother and I walked around. We saw some people dancing in the square dance, some playing chess, some laughing in the shade and some flying kites. It is really interesting! We came to a place where we rented a boat. I chose the electric boat. Not many people rowed at first, so we didn't hit anywhere. But now there are more and more people coming, and everyone's boat is bumping, which makes people feel very dangerous!
Although it was very hot, I sailed under the bridge opening, and the breeze blew on my face, which was really refreshing. I hear many swallows calling. I looked up. Wow, there are many swallows and bird's nests. They seem to be saying, "It's really cool here. Come and enjoy the summer! "
Although it is very hot today, my heart feels cool. Happy times always pass quickly. Children must be careful and safe when rowing. Don't throw rubbish into it, or the beautiful scenery will be destroyed. Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility.