How to help the disabled
There are two main ways to help the disabled: one is alternative help, that is, directly helping the disabled to do what he can't do; Another way is self-help, that is, to help the disabled to do what he can't do because of his disability in a way that suits him. These two methods have their own advantages and cannot be neglected. Before the disabled have learned to do things that they can't do because of their disabilities, alternative help is essential, but it must not stop there, because it will make the disabled shrink back and produce depression, which is not conducive to their healthy life. Therefore, it is necessary to help the disabled learn to do what they can't do because of their disabilities, which can not only make the disabled behave positively, feel happy and live a healthy life, but also reduce the burden on nursing staff. Sometimes, alternative help is much easier than self-help, but only self-help can make the disabled really happy and happy.