Flower Arrangement and Song Festival early February 8 Dayao, Shuangjiang Collection of azalea flowers to be inserted in places, young men and women dressed in costume to dance the "left-footed dance.
Dragon-sacrifice Festival, early February 8 Jinggu Lusheng dance
Saiyi Festival, March 28 Day Yao Saiyi
March meeting, March 28 Muding, catching the market, dancing
Tiger Festival, the eighth to fifteenth day of the first month of the first month of the Shuangbai County, dancing on the Wheatland
Bai March Street, March 14-16 Dali, the exchange of goods, horse races, dragon boat races, song and dance
Wrapping Sanyin, April 23
April 23-25, Dali: mountain circumambulation, ancestor worship, dancing, octagonal drums
Torch Festival June 25, Dali villages: exorcisms, prayers for good harvests
Benzhong Festival, dates vary, Dali: worship of "Benzhong", recitation of sutras, incense burning
Heads, songs, dances, fun, Shibaoshan Song Festival Three days in late July and early August in Jianchuan, where Bai love songs are sung
Miao Flower Mountain Festival Three days in January in Pingbian and Yongshan, where songs are sung, Lusheng dances are performed, and flower poles are climbed
Naxi Mira/Stick Festival Fifteenth day in May in Lijiang, where horse races are held and agricultural implements traded
Tianjian Festival Undetermined dates in Lijiang, where prayers for good harvests are offered, and calamities and evils are dispelled
Mule and Horse Congresses March-July Livestock trade
Sanduo Festival, early February 8, Lijiang Horse racing, Alili dance, picnic
July Festival, mid-July, Lijiang Livestock trade, songs
Mosuo Dynasty Festival, July 25, Lugu Lake, worship of goddesses, songs, dances, archery, befriending of Asha
Jingpo Miminong Song, January 15, Lijiang Jingpo People Meiming Zongsong January 15 Lucy and Longchuan Wenbang Dance
Tibetan People Buddhahood Day April 1-4
Spirit Jumping Puja New Year's Eve of the Tibetan Calendar Diqing Spirit Jumping Program
Horse Races May 5 Zhongdian Meadow Setting up of tents, picnics, banquets, horse races
Successful Birth Day October 25
Duanyang Festival May 5 Diqing Horse races, potshuang dance, Picnic
Buyi Niuwang Festival April 8
Luoping, Fuyuan Eating Niuwang Ba, giving food to cows, singing and dancing
Dai Water Festival Banna, Dehong Dancing, singing and dancing, dragon boat races, water-splashing, and raising the height of the water
Flower-picking Festival Jingu picking flowers and dedicating flowers to the Buddha
Delivering the Dragon Festival in January of the Gregorian calendar, when the Dragon Dragon is delivered in Da Menghuong, Xishuangbanna, and sacrifices are sent to the God of Dragons
Ha'ni People Zalizuo January 1, Mojiang Ancestor worship, songs, swinging, feasts
Amatu February Dragon Day Jinping Mountain worship, ancestor worship, Shelin worship, etc.
New Rice Festival August, the first and second Dragon Day Honghe Tasting the New Year, sacrificing to the sky, sacrificing to the relatives
Bitter Zazha June, Honghe Songs, dances, sacrifices to the sky god
October, October, Simao, Honghe Ancestor worship, feasts on the street
The Girl's Day February 2 Red River Picnic, singing and dancing
Mother's Day The first cattle day in March Simao Mother's Day Mother's Day, singing mother's songs
Strong ethnic group Longduan Festival March Funing Material exchanges, young men and women sing songs, socializing
Su Lisu Knife Pole Festival February 8 Nujiang, Baoshan Knife mountain, jumping ga
Singing Festival Lunar New Year or the first half of the first month of the month of the Nujiang Racing, bathing
Bath Hall Meeting Spring Festival Di Diqing, Nujiang Race Songs, bathing
Bathhouse party Spring Festival Diqing bathing, making friends
Hui Eid Festival October 1 Kunming and other places worship, gift "oil incense"
Gurbang Festival December Kunming and other places worship, slaughter of cows and sheep
Lahu Hulu Festival October Lancang Lusheng dance, exchange of materials
Enlargement of pick up Festival on the first day of the first month in Lancang and Menglian, receiving new water, Lusheng dance, hunting
Sacrifice to the Sun God on the first day of summer in Lancang County, worshiping the god, praying for a good year
Wa Lamu Drum Festival in Lunar New Year in Ximeng and Canyuan, Lamu drumming, cattle plowing, dancing
Yao Pannong Festival on the 29th day of the month in Wenshan and Honghe, worshiping the ancestor, songs and dances
Pumi Mountain-turning Fair on the 5th day of the month in Ninglang, mountain-turning, singing and dancing
Pumi Mountain-turning Fair on the 5th day of the month in Ninglang, mountain-turning, singing and dances,
The Achang people are celebrating the 15th day of the 9th lunar month in Nujiang and Dehong. They are playing with green dragons and white elephants, and dancing on elephant feet and drums
The Jinuo people are celebrating the 3rd lunar month in Banna. They are also dancing on drums and bamboos, and playing the gyroscope
The Shui people have the Dragon Boat Festival, which is held from the end of August to the first half of October, in which they are dancing on copper drums and singing songs to find a mate
The Dulong people are celebrating the 3rd lunar month in Qiajiao. Ainu Ye bitterza June Banna swinging, dancing, dinner
Nu Flower Festival March 15 Nu River canyon, collecting flowers, sacrifices to fairies
Nu year Lunar New Year, 29 Nu River canyon, archery, hitting the stone target, song and dance
The Nu people are the most important ethnic group in the world.