Light encounters dream season four ancestors location list

Where are the ancestors of the Light Encounter Dream Season? Dream season has four ancestors, find them can exchange a variety of seasonal limited items, but this four ancestors are hidden better, a little difficult to find. The following brings the light encounter dream season ancestor location of the whole, I hope to help you partners.

Light Encounters Dream Season Ancestor Locations

Ancestor Location 1: Master of the Boomerang

The first ancestor is next to the Dream Town lobby, next to the quest ancestor.

Ancestor Location 2: Peeping Postman

It's near the ice rink, go inside and you'll see the second ancestor.

Ancestor Location 3: Dancing Entertainer

After collecting the second Ancestor, then fly towards the plaza in Dream Town, which will take a while. Then fly in through the middle of the building and the ancestor will be there.

Ancestor Location 4: Bear Hugging Snowman

The ancestor is in the upper left of Dream Town, in the middle of a group of houses. This ancestor requires pulling a circle around the mountain.