Title: Sudden craving for fried chicken, hurry to check if you have an inner emptiness

001 Craving for fatty meat reflects the tangled inner world

Most people like to eat high-fat foods when they feel their body is low on calories. Eating high-fat foods means you are afraid of feeling empty. High-fat foods stay in the stomach much longer than low-fat foods. People who crave high-fat foods are afraid of feeling empty in their stomachs, so they keep eating high-fat foods to fill their stomachs with something.

In general, people who crave high-fat foods are afraid of loneliness, scary truths, taking responsibility, making changes, etc.

High-fat foods include cheeseburgers, cheeseburgers, and other foods. High-fat foods include cheeseburgers, fried foods, fried chicken, ham, and pork.

People who crave high-fat foods feel empty because they don't have a clear purpose in life, want to make a lifestyle change, and are afraid of failing or making a change. High-fat foods fill their stomachs and block their awareness of emptiness and pain.

These people tend to lead painfully entangled lives, sometimes doing unpopular things that cause other people to hurt them emotionally or through their actions, when in fact it is they who betray and hurt themselves.

002 Love of fat is a gift from our ancestors

The desire for fat is an innate drive, and researchers have validated this idea through experiments with rats, adults, and children.

The researchers first fed the rats two different flavors of food: one high in fat, flavor A, and the other low in fat, flavor B. Then they fed the rats two other foods with the same fat content, one of them, flavor A, and one of them, flavor B. As it turned out, the rats preferred flavor A. This suggests that the rats have made a distinction between flavor A and flavor B, and that the rats preferred flavor A. This showed that the rats had associated flavor A with high fat content.

Similar experiments in humans have yielded consistent results: when participants were given a low-fat food that tasted the same as a high-fat food, they still felt like they were eating a high-fat food and felt fuller faster than when they ate the other flavors of the low-fat food.

The above experiment proves the following theories:

1. Fat contains more calories than protein and carbohydrates, so humans may like to eat high-fat foods because they produce more calories.

2. Humans and other animals instinctively know that those foods are higher in calories and prefer them .

This adds to the problems we have living in a time when food is no longer scarce. We instinctively like high-fat, high-calorie foods, and it's hard to control our instincts to reject those fatty foods that are within our reach, so obesity is inevitable.

003 Fear of change, the weight loss cycle of fat people who love to eat fat

People who crave high-fat food can easily fall into a vicious circle: eating to fill the emptiness in their hearts - gaining weight - being rejected by the outside world and negatively evaluated - being emotionally damaged -eating more -feeling lonely and empty.

To break this cycle, people who crave high-fat foods have to take more courage to change. But their inner emptiness makes it hard for them to trust the advice of others. So it's harder for them to change and take action.

004 Sincere Advice: Resist the Overeating Army with a Fulfilling Spiritual World

The advice to people with high fat cravings is:

1. Enrich your spiritual world and distract yourself from food. You can join a book club, listen to music, join a choir and other activities or join a group you are interested in (square dancing is also very good).

2, get yourself moving, this is the advice for every overeater. Exercise drastically reduces your body's cravings for any kind of food.

3. Address the issues that trigger emptiness. Emptiness and bitterness usually stem from unresolved childhood issues. Reflecting on what you remember from your childhood that you are afraid to face, and when the pain, anger or guilt you feel for a long time originated, may lead to the answer.

005 Did the belly and thigh fat come from anger at your parents?

In Louise. In Louise Hay's book, Heal Your Body, there is the idea that excess fat on the thighs comes from "childhood anger at the father"; excess fat on the belly is related to anger at not being cared for by the mother.

The accumulation of fat in different parts of the body is a result of pain caused by physical and emotional abuse during childhood. Instead of blindly accepting the reality, this pain makes you notice the problems and make changes.