Here are some foods that don't seem to be very calorie dense, but are actually higher in calories:
1. Superfruit juices: Although they contain a lot of nutrients, many of them are loaded with a lot of sugar and other additives, resulting in a spike in calories.
2. Jam: Contains a lot of sugar and provides very little protein, fat and other nutrients, while the processing can cause a significant drop in the nutritional value of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
3. Coffee: if you add sugar, cream, chocolate, syrup and other flavorings, the calories will increase a lot, leading to weight gain.
4. Dried fruit: Fruit is dried and dehydrated, resulting in an increase in its sugar and calorie density, so the calories per serving are often double or triple those of fresh fruit.
5. Nuts: While nuts have a lot of protein and healthy fats, the high calorie density in nuts makes it easy to go overboard on calories leading to a buildup of body fat.
So, when choosing foods in your diet, don't just look at the surface, but also pay attention to their calorie density and ingredient list. Eating sensibly, balanced meals and combining them with proper exercise is the best choice for weight loss and health care.