Insomnia is obviously very sleepy but can not sleep, can not get up during the day how to do ah?

First, if you want to fall asleep quickly, you can drink a glass of milk half an hour before going to bed. Milk can improve the quality of sleep, which we all know, but very few people have tried, it is best to be able to choose pure milk, because still sleeping, the body began to rest state, if it is to drink some sweetened milk, it is possible that the body will lead to a surplus of calories, for some of the women who love the beauty of the next day, wait until the next day to find that their weight has risen, it will be felt! It's very scary.

Second, in addition to drinking milk, eating apples before going to bed is also very effective. Apples can also help to sleep, eat an apple before going to bed, not only can make yourself sleep more solid, but also can play a certain effect of satiety, some people after ten o'clock, when they go to bed, often feel very hungry, you can eat an apple to fill up.

Third, you can also improve the quality of sleep by doing some simple exercises. For example, is to sit a radio gymnastics or aerobics, can let themselves sleep more sweet, there are a lot of middle-aged and elderly people often have trouble sleeping on the situation like to jump a square dance, or play a tai chi, wait until the time of bedtime, will find themselves sleeping especially good, a sleep up has been to the next day. The best time to do exercise at night is in the 7:00 to 8:00 or so, this time, people have just eaten a meal, can help digestion, but also to be able to prepare for the back of the sleep if it is ready to go to bed when it is not good to do exercise, some people in the do after strenuous exercise, often sweaty situation, after the bath has been sleepy. People are best able to sleep 7 to 8 hours a day, to ensure a good enough sleep time, in order to be able to work more effectively.