Xuchang legislation after 9:00 no more square dancing, measures are not to protect the rights and interests of other residents?

Legislation stipulating that no more square dancing is allowed after 9 o'clock does effectively protect the rights and interests of other residents. Square dancing is a nuisance to other residents in a number of ways, one is the noise pollution affecting the normal life of the residents, and the other is that it may take up space for other purposes. banning the square after 9 o'clock, the main purpose is to protect the normal rest time of local residents.

Noise pollution

It would be fine if square dancing was simply dancing, but the fact of the matter is that it is accompanied by loud speakers playing all kinds of music for square dancing, and square dancing aunts dancing to the music. This kind of music may not cause any impact in a park in a remote area, but if the park is surrounded by residents, then this kind of music can easily cause a nuisance to the residents around.

Some of the square dancers, in particular, may get up after 10:00 p.m. or early in the morning to go dancing, which at that time quite seriously affects the normal rest time of the local residents. Because most of the working people in the night about 10:00 pm to go to bed, but if the square dance aunties continue to play super loud music dancing, then let a lot of people can not sleep normally. Ditto for the mornings, which will keep many people from getting enough sleep.

Occupying space for other purposes

For the most part, square dancing should be confined to places like parks or playgrounds. But some of the square dancers, for the sake of convenience or because the infrastructure of parks and plazas is not quite built enough, the square dancers will take up space for other purposes to dance.

For example, they occupy other people's parking lots, so that vehicles coming and going have no place to park, and they can't even cross the road, which will bring losses to the parking lot. Or square dancing on the roads in the neighborhood, which also affects oncoming vehicles as well as pedestrians. Previously there have been a number of square dance ladies occupy the basketball court and other places and produce conflict.

So Xuchang's approach is worthwhile to promote learning, although the square dancing women have the freedom to dance, but other residents also have the freedom to live without their influence.