1, dressed neatly and decently, can not wear tank tops, shorts, slippers, men shall not bare shoulders, women shall not wear too tightly exposed clothes, not frank chest, backless, navel, the length of the lower garment should be over the knee. 2, care of the environment, the temple a brick and stone, a grass and trees are landscapes and cultures, shall not be graffiti damage to the heritage. The temple shall not be photographed, in the temple outside the photo, do not trample on the flowers and plants, do not pick flowers, leaves, fruits. 3, incense to Buddha, please be pious, in the designated place to light incense and wax, to keep the temple neat and clean. 4, the temple bells, drums and other instruments, shall not be unauthorized to strike. 5, smoking is strictly prohibited in the temple, should not be noisy and loud noise and noise. The temple is not a park, not a square, should not be singing and dancing; couples should not be like no one, too intimate.
6, meet the monks to be courteous, greetings can be hands "folded". Without permission, not to shoot monks, not to enter the living area of the monks.