Burn cold clothes, some places in front of the grave of the deceased, and pay attention to sweeping the grave before the sun rises. Some places are used to burning sacrifices in front of the door. In many places in Yanbei and Pingyao counties of Jinzhong, at night, women will burst into tears outside the door.
In the old days, there was a poem in Linxian County: "Sticking paper and cutting clothes, burning ash in the morning." Is Taiwan Province fruit useful to keep out the cold in spring? But the sad voice is sweet! "It not only describes the scene of sending cold clothes, but also questions its legendary effect.
Legend of the origin of the Cold Clothes Festival
1, Meng Jiangnv sent cold clothes thousands of miles away.
According to folklore, Meng Jiangnu got married, and her husband was arrested to participate in the ballad service and build the Great Wall of Wan Li. When autumn and winter come, Meng Jiangnv sends her husband warm clothes.
When she came to the foot of the Great Wall, she learned that her husband had passed away. Meng Jiangnv was heartbroken, pointing to the sky and crying, moved to the sky, cried down the Great Wall and found her husband's body. She repackaged her husband's body with the new cotton-padded clothes she brought, and was buried on the first day of October in the ancient calendar. In order to commemorate, later generations had the custom of sending cold clothes to the dead.
2. It was born out of the pre-Qin etiquette of welcoming winter.
According to the Book of Rites, October is the month of beginning of winter. On this day, the son of heaven will hold a ceremony to welcome the winter. After the ceremony, he will reward those who died for his country. The deceased "sent cold clothes" for them, so that the online is effective and they are used to each other.
"The Book of Songs, Wind and July" once mentioned: "Fire flows in July and clothes are given in September." It means that the weather has become cold since September, and people should buy warm clothes, so the first day of October is also commonly known as "Clothing Festival".