男女男女 袅娉娉 袅袅婷婷
匯总浑浑噩噩、三三兩兩、口聲聲、原原本、兢兢业业、战战兢兢、吞吐吐吐、形形 *** 、风風火火、熙熙攘攘, 海洋洒洒洒,郁郁郁葱葱, qingqing 我我我, panicky,期艾艾, 清清楚清楚, twisting and turning, forest and forest. I've been in the same boat for a long time. I've been in the same boat for a long time. I've been in the same boat for a long time. I've been in the same boat for a long time. I've been in the same boat for a long time. Half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half, half and half. 婆婆妈妈 期期艾 A clean, neat, tidy, plain, clear, big and small, old and young, honest, practical, conscientious, diligent. Laughing, smiling, laughing, smiling, laughing, laughing, laughing, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, excited, angry, sweaty, bare, furry, gloomy, shiny, bright, watery, watery, hard, cool, warm, warm, cold, cold, steaming, hot, hot, silly, chubby, heavy, light, hurried, slow, slow, slow, Dry, wet, fluffy, sweet, round, dripping, sour, fragrant, dirty, messy, quiet, vicious ABAB Actions: say say say say, clean clean, sneak sneak, dress up, sober sober sober sober, stir stir stir, rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle Angry, well-dressed, pitiful, microwave, sparkling, sparkling, snow-capped, golden, white-haired, dusty, careful, a thousand miles, a sea of dust, cloudy wind, worried, bad, fruitful, faithful, ambitious, escaping, graceful, doubtful, raging, hasty, loyal, murmuring water, snowy, The appearance of the hall, loyal, foggy, worried, spring breeze, courteous, cool breeze, evening breeze, autumn breeze, proudly, faithfully, smoke curls, excited, the north wind whistling, heat curls, famous, vibrant, prosperous AABCA: ow to feed, Ang Ang self-consciousness, sad parents, sadly want to die C: Chu Chu touching, Chu Chu can be, Chu Chu have a sense of 呱呱堕地、衮衮诸公、高高在上H:花花世界、 *** 、花花花太岁、赫赫之功、赫赫之光、赫赫名名、行行蛇蚓、好好先生、昏欲睡、恢恢有余、惶惶不安、忽忽不乐I:J:井井有法、井井有方、井井有条、井井有秩序、井井有绪、斤斤计较、斤斤较量、斤斤自守、津津樂道、津津有味, 九九归一, 九九归原, 久久忘忘, 矫矫不群, 汲汲顧影, 岌岌危可, 赳赳武夫, 寂覧, 炯炯有神,济济一堂,眷眷心, walk alone, 戛戛独造, 蹇蹇匪躬K:侃侃侃而談, Kan侃而言, 夸夸而谈, boastful, exaggerate, talk in a manner that is not easy to understand, empty, mouth-to-mouth L: 落落大方大方, 落落落寡合,落落难合, 碌碌碌碌无奇, 切切此布,戚戚具尔, 茕一人立,谦谦君子 R: 人人知知, 人人自危, 穰穰满家 S: 生生不息, 生生不已,姗姗来迟,珊珊来迟,善善從長, 施施而行, *** 俱全, 丝丝入扣 T:滔滔不断,滔不绝,滔竭不竭, 滔不尽,頭头是道,途途是道,堂堂一表,亭玉立, 条条大路, 天天向上 U. V:W: felicitous, felicitous, felicitous, felicitous talk, evil from short, wei lian sound, relentlessly X: closely related, closely connected, vivid, vividly alive, thriving, thriving, sympathetic, sympathetic, starry, XuanXuan even get, following good enticement, heart to heart, Huuhuuyuyun, Xianxian YiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYi: endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, Y: endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, Y: endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless