I don't want to be a teacher with my brother Shinan. He was born quiet, happy and sad, erudite, good grass, good country. Chen Nan was the left minister, then the county magistrate and minister of the crown prince. Sui dynasty is Tongzhilang, Zhili, self-reflection master. Emperor Yang Di attached great importance to him. He was a confidential official in charge of government affairs. In the eighth year of Daye, with went to North Korea, for Jin Daifu. After several exhortations, not accepted, and see the ministers have been slaughtered, fear that they harm themselves, only promised to show respect, do not dare to disobey the emperor, by the people of the time shame.
In the fourteenth year of the Daiye era, Yu Cunhe mutinied in Jiangdu and killed the emperor Yang Di. He was also killed. The Sui Dynasty's Regional Yuhui Zhi is an early chronicle of the country's regions.
List of works
Wu Fu
If the husband plays in a fixed place, it is not possible to talk about the works of Kuangji. You have to be adaptable and meet the Emperor. There is a cultural quality on there that makes the particular wind, world or water pure and relieves tension. Though after the Restoration and the establishment of the Protectorate, I hope Cloud becomes the ruler of the day. I wish I could fight Demp halfway through the spring. It is to understand the martial arts of Man and Demp, to apply them in time, the state to create and customs to consolidate. So this tree has a good reputation and a good motto. It bows to the lark and advances six points. It is simply a saint!
Diyu was four years old when Quailfire was old. All was quiet, all was calm. It was an age of vulgarity, kindness, and longevity, where the people's money was used daily. Yet the foot soldiers still wore thin shoes. But it may have been a long time since they were big enough to still worry about the decline of the empire. As far as Kungo is concerned, there is no shortage of books, and the officials have no false moon. Zhou Yong arc, Xiqu Que bow tone, cast the famous sword in the square, carved the battle formation in the arsenal. A million bears, thousands of leopard cubs, five resources have made the world famous. Because of the gaps in agriculture, when something happens in the spring, she encourages her officers to show courtesy. When she convinced them of rewards and punishments, she would let people know about the ban. It's not easy to believe in a hundred kings. It wasn't easy to believe in a thousand. There was a time when Lin Congxing enjoyed the praise. Changyang school hunting, cloud back is a blessing. Although the body and things are based on love, but the language is not the same year, the sound of the English language is full, the cover can be obtained. The speech said:
However, the sky is marked by ancient history, the unity of the capital began with the grouping. The earthquake was from a forged record map, and the tree priests thought they were kings. Ji Kuan was fierce and martial. He complained about laborers in Yin Lu in the north and conquered Sheng in the south. He used to buy and smell it in Zhou Qian and Guangdong Xia Qi. Chen has a big business to create confusion and get arms. It is difficult for us to overcome these difficulties. Get rid of the chattering pleasure and refill it. So tired of relying on merit, dare to honor the rules, dare to attack. But the Emperor's rest is strained, and his body shows his preference for wisdom and intelligence. There are nine spheres and four corners of the world. Finding Emperor Yu Yang is not only difficult, but peaceful. You ask the officials clearly, you are handsome and good at being an official. Unlike the governments of the Seven Kingdoms, make peace with others. I do not know what to do. Tao hides in the past, and from it comes realization. Great things have been accomplished in both places. Putting saints above virtue and living within their means. So the ceremony went well and peacefully. The punishment was to purge the government. Gradually spreading to the East while analyzing branches in the West. I can't imagine I could be a spy with good results. I can't imagine I could be a blessing without leakage. Why think and disobey when the spirit and will have reached? Although he wanted to rule Long Ping, he withdrew from the country and strong soldiers. He chose Lin Yu as the sixth county and ordered Jennifer Zhang as the fifth battalion. At the same time, it was a matter of fighting and staying brave. It was a matter of salt, justice and suicide. He learned to fight in the spring because of the gap between agriculture and teaching. Sima Yi was ordered to enforce the law, handsome and resolute, able to clear the field. Before the ten days of driving, the ambush hook Chen and the back of the temple. The anti bird flies by the feather, and the fish is decorated and practiced. Naeg Xuan presses the reins and joins forces with Yu Qiu. Adjust the time to start the journey on the left and ring the bell on the right. The clouds are thin and the sword fights to ride around. The pointing hole opens wide. It is raised at the top of the barrel. There is Xuanwu in the east and Huangshan in the north. The secret circle of the Forbidden City was passed down from far away, and the square of the Forbidden City was filled with joy. At this time of year, the Spring Festival is waiting. The sunrise is brilliant. The sun and the moon compete for glory, and the smoke and clouds emit beauty. The sea is blue and the universe is serene. This chariot is the Taiyi Royal Jade Palace, the purple room has orders. Yun's brilliant idea is to swear that Wu is going to Rongchang. Shu, Lin Tieqi, enough to fill the crossbow of the gods, enough to bend and elongate the sky. The rainbow flag is straight and the drums are muffled. Eight Chen Su lined up and looked at the six armies. He refused to take the ladder to the tourist belt, but did not care about the building and the car to Wugang. Or just point out the harness and get hurt on the first hand. Shear strain and snake attack, Russia may have folded the eagle. The middle branch rests on the blade of the halberd, while the bottom branch rests on the armor. After seven rounds of negotiations with Meng, he was captured in Kazan. At first, Xuanxuan Xuan lifted the crane and left Yanxing. The eight watches shook the Chuan Valley; the three-light district shook the Haisan. We believe that the fate of the Qiangs is unpredictable and that the Qiangs are in a dilemma. Someone throws a stone to move the tripod and rides on it. The crown of the sword is high, and the head of brass is iron. Qu borders on ferocity, and Wu is the bull tamer. Ren Pil, though educated like Ben, has no gain or retaliation. Nine attacks had been decided upon, three strategies accomplished, and lasted for weeks. The sound of the bracelet allowed the wind to blow through and electricity to be collected. So Yongjue Ban, Jin Ji, Yuan, Pei, Shou, Shao and Lie. Three ritual sequences, eight sounds unheard. Dancing is boring and elegant, listening to drums and singing is addictive. So that you can continue your work, forget your body and die for the festival. See the sign and storm out. Deng Yanshan slaughters seal pigs and fin whales near her home. Looking at the cloud pavilion, you can see the ceremony in progress. The real King Shenwu was also a man known for his dishonesty.
,*** 1200 volumes, is China's earlier local history. Author's introduction to the 5-volume Jade Rabbit Journal of the Sui Dynasty Region.
Poetry and prose
"Stone Spear Chronicle"
Changzhou Maoyuan morning and evening pool reflecting sunlight, there is wind and ripples. Sitting on the threshold of the red lotus cloak, the owner of the carved Xuan Dong, green apple, fried.
Cigarettes, fragrant turmeric, gorgeous eaves, flowers, peaches and plums. Jade and jade are related to each other, mandarin ducks are staying with each other.
"Four Songs of White Veil on Summer Day in Jiangdu"
In the fall, the swimming pool in Kunming is bright. Shake the ring and move it out of the city. The phoenix plays a new sound.
Peach trees and groves of ethereal, oasis-like wondrous greenery. The Jade Man sings a clear song, and Jenny's grace is renewed.
"Feng Hexing Dujiang Zhao Shiying"
The lantern parade marks the emperor's point, the halberd is innate. Sean is driving and Shui Fu is filling the boat with water.
Seven tips are long and thin, three wings pass the child's true eyes. Xin, the beginning of the long-standing, before the search for clothes to hide Dan.
Early in the morning, clear waves floating, distant woods rolled up cooking smoke. The morning light slightly show the scenery, oblique moon gradually lost string.
Back to the pond, I sang and blew, I looked at the banner, the banner. After the party accompanied Jin Dong and Deng, in awe.
"Four White Veil Songs 2 Chang'an Autumn"
Summer facing the nations, Xuan Ting full of God. Successful regions and output, today Shengde as neighbors.
The occasional return to Pingyi, the common people admire Tao Jun, Lu Xun has been to He Lin, Qiu Miansu.
The starting line is divided into seven parts, preparing three instantaneous images. Pray for Yan Yuan, Xi and the gods.
Yanggu rises in that scene, Qingqiu rises in early spring. The clothes of Yanguo were made for the emperor, and the teacher made them for Irun of Syria.
Linzi has become a beautiful place, and Hejian is a place of musical elegance. Fast wood has been replaced, and stone spears are becoming newer and newer.
The poem
Returns Jade Two Swallows and Ruijie Three Chins. The cicadas in the forest are exhausted, and the geese in the river still fly.
The walls of the pavilion are decorated with hospitality, Wang Ji hung with flags. Generally, this town is closed, Fang Xin recommended these clothes.
"Feng and"
Clear sky Ran, the vast ocean winds rise. The clouds are far away from the ten continents, and the waves are high above the three mountains.
Longlan suspected that even the local class rushed out on the day of the bath. He is full of wisdom.
Vainly, though viewing the sea, and how can it be effective? In vain, how can it be effective, though viewing the sea?
"Shi Jian Kai Fu Kun Wu Zhi Yi De's daughter"
The Qing Dynasty and the Han Dynasty were like Zhao Hui, separated by a river and a lake. The machine picks up the whale's stone, flicks the mirror, and removes the ashes from the pool.
The ship suspects that the sea is crossed, and the pearl looks like a guest star. The two moths I hate get together and can't open in the fall.
The History of Discerning Water Shouling Shadows
Shumen is depressed and distant, far from being unified. Individual bids are high, total **** has 100 serious risks.
The top of the mirror contains the soul of the moon, and the ridge is covered with clouds. I kept my virginity for nothing and never knew how to fill the sea.
Making Friends from South to North
Golden Gulch was low, Royal Avenue was low, and the jade pipes sang in the wind. On the way back to Luan Bird Road, you can pick up Cui from Tianjin.
Looking at the moon in the mirror, this song feels dusty. On this night, the weaver saw him looking at the fairy palace.
The History of Fude Poetry
Tang Guangdi, Xiawu Mu Chen Yi. Pearls raise winged phoenixes, jade beasts Yan Dan stabbed.
The flowing winds of spring blow the birds and flowers.
Opening River Crossing Poem
Looking back for a moment, I hid my tears and looked at the river. There is no complicated southeast wind, the sky follows the northwest clouds.
"Poem on Hengyang Ge Playing Prostitutes"
The four scattered Sanqiu destroyed hundreds of feet of ko. the heart was empty for a large part of the day, and there was not much business.
"Poem of Fenghe Xingtaiyuan Nengyu Zhao Ying"
Flying low toward the darkness of the night, all the time. When it comes to returning to Yuanlin, people will cry for a long time at night.
Dongsan Poem
The dragon clouds are still low, and the Yellow River flows again. There are many mountains and roads in the pass. There is much sadness when one meets another.
"Late Flying Wu"
The structure, like the clouds, belongs to the Double Yan. If you want to dance around Song Liang, I'll walk into the orchid's boudoir like a fairy.
It's hard to fight for a thousand miles, it's hard to fly for a thousand miles, and it's even harder to fight against Wudian.