Don't exercise and massage properly for the time being. If you really eat too much, you'd better not lie down and drink water for the time being. If you really can't help it, then try to drink less water, because drinking too much water will make your stomach swell and make people feel worse. A full stomach will make you feel a little uncomfortable, and the gastrointestinal pressure is too great for exercise for the time being. You can sit on the sofa for a while, massage your stomach and abdomen slowly, and promote the digestion of the stomach.
Eat some foods that help digestion properly. In order to help digestion, you can also consider eating some digestive foods, such as hawthorn and carrots. You can also drink some acidic drinks, such as orange juice and lemonade. It can promote gastric acid secretion and help digestion, and these drinks are acidic and can also decompose and digest food.
Take a proper walk. After having a full rest for about 30 minutes, you can take a proper walk and walk around, which can promote gastrointestinal activity and digestion and help relieve abdominal distension. The way to walk is a leisurely walk, just like an old man walking leisurely in a forest path. Don't walk too fast and don't exercise too hard. Just walk for half an hour.
If you eat too much dinner, it is not suitable for going to bed early, because it increases the burden on your stomach. It is best to wait for three hours before going to bed after dinner, so that the stomach has time and space to digest food, and it will not affect normal sleep because the stomach is too full. In addition, taking a hot bath before going to bed at night can also enhance blood circulation and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort to some extent.