Will the love level increase faster if you give gg some gifts every day on the ranch girl version?

The second floor is wrong. Sending gifts to GG is different from sending gifts to villagers, the effect of sending gifts to GG will not add up, only sending the first gift has an effect on increasing the love degree, then no matter how much you send its effect is zero.

Send favorite item +800 love degree, not 500

Send favorite item is only +500 love degree.

Like: +300 love degrees

Normal: +100 love degrees

Hate: -500 love degrees

Very Hate: -800 love degrees

There are also special conditions that can add to the love degrees, such as:

Dote: +2500 love degrees for 15 days of not carrying fatigue into the next day <

Cliff: enter the church 10 times, +2500 love degrees

Gray: build at the Forge House 15 times, +2500 love degrees

Kaye: spend at the House of the Sea 5 times, +2500 love degrees

Rick: after the Chicken Cottage is added to the building, there are 8 chickens, and for each increase in the average number of hearts of the chickens, +2500 love degrees

Remember to go to the grocery store and wrap the gift before you give it, so that the love degree increases 1. 25 times more than if you just give it without wrapping it.

Another important thing is that the effect of sending gifts on GG's birthday will be super horrible, I sent her wheat flour on Kai's birthday, her love degree went up by 3,000, which is 5 times more than usual, plus packaged gifts, the love degree went up by 3,750, so remember to send her favorite gifts on GG's birthday. Of course, this 5x law also applies to increasing the villagers' friendliness, especially on the elf's birthday, so you can use this method to fill up their hearts in a short period of time.

The merchants where you can buy:

Balls 100G Condition: Big Dog

Frisbees 5000G Condition: Big Dog, with organizing shed

True Jade 50,000G Condition: with organizing shed

Cabbage Seeds 500G

Pineapple Seeds 1000G

Pepper Seeds 150G

Tricolor Flower Seeds 400G

Catnip Seeds 300G

Moon Teargrass Seeds 500G

Chimichurri Seeds 600G

LZ is talking about 600 hours of grazing, right, and it would take 25 days to consistently keep cattle and sheep out of the hut, including overnight stays.600hrs ÷ 24hrs = 25 days. To remind you, there must be mature pasture on the land where the cows and sheep spend the night outside. Otherwise they will run out of food and become unhappy. A cow eats one piece of pasture a night. Don't forget.

p-milk 500G

p-cheese 750G

p-eggs 180G

p-mayonnaise 450G

Go to the beach in the fall to fish for fossils. You can only catch them with a cursed fishing rod or more. One for 5000G.

In summer, you can fish for Pirate's Treasure, the same level of fishing rod. One sells for 10,000G

I can catch 38 in a day, I usually start fishing at 11am and call it a night at about 9pm to go home.

Make sure to SL the big one.

The most lucrative thing would have to be playing games with Chinese traders. Always send the Chinese merchant's favorite gold ore, and remember to go to the grocery store and package the gold ore before sending it to him. This will increase your favoritism. When the degree of goodwill reaches 150 can sell things to him. When the love level with him reaches purple? When the love level with him reaches Purple? Go to the Chinese merchant at 11:00am to 4:00pm and the apple guessing game will happen. If you guess correctly ten times, you will get a Beauty under the Moon. You can sell it to the Chinese merchant. Or you can give it to the goddess. If you give ten Moon Beauties to the Goddess, she will give you a Goddess Flower, and sell the Goddess Flower to the Chinese merchant. You can buy a villa with 10 flowers! If you play an emulator, it's a good idea to archive every time. If you're playing an emulator, it's recommended that you make less than 10 guesses at a time. You'll get a ticket for the boat, and you'll get more if you're right. Then take the ticket to play slot games with Chinese merchants, win will get a variety of CD, and then sold to him, the best CD can be bought to 670000 (670,000) Another GC poet's CD can be sold for 100,000, N64's CD can be sold for 90,000. But I still recommend the 670,000 one. It will save time in the game (not having to run back and forth like Goddess Flower).

Guess the apple game tips:

The initial position of the three apples is different every time, but the order of movement is regular, a **** there are 6 kinds of movement order, as long as every time before guessing the three apples of the first Japanese on paper, and then according to the law, it's very easy. For example:

Every time you move to keep an eye on the middle apple,

1. If the first left and right apples turn twice, I am convenient to remember to remember as two big circles, then how to move after that do not need to remember, the last three apples in the position is the same.

2. If the first left and right apples turned once, that is, a large circle, and then a small circle, that is, the left and the center of the turn once, (may also be the right and the center of the turn, I can not remember, but they are small circles, it is obvious) that the final position is the middle of the apple position remains unchanged, the left and right sides of the apple position of the mutual exchange.

3. If the first is the center and the left turn a circle, I have recorded as the left one, and then the right two apples to move back and forth twice, I recorded as the right two, is not the beginning of the time to keep an eye on the middle of the apple well, in the final stop if the middle of the apple to become the middle of the apple, then the original middle of the apple moved to the right, the left side of the apple position unchanged.

4. This is the same as 3, but at the end of the stop when the middle apple becomes in the leftmost, then the original left apple moved to the right, the right apple moved to the center.

5. If the order of turning is one left, one right and then one big circle, then the final position is that the center apple moves to the left, the left one moves to the center, and the right one remains unchanged

6. If there is a small circle and then two big circles, then the final position is that the right one moves to the left, the left one moves to the center, and the center one moves to the right.

I tried more than 300 times, every time is according to this law, I will not be like some people can stare at two apples at the same time, and play the GBA, can not use the S / L method, so I had to summarize some of the laws. If you have a headache of guessing the apples like me, you can try it my way, I've tried it a hundred times.

Maybe I said more cumbersome, then I put the three apples with A, B, C said

Then 1,A,B,C ---- two big circle -- ---->A,B,C

2.A,B,C---- one big circle A small circle ------>C,B,A

3.A,B,C -- --one left, two right (the apple in the center ends up on the right) ------>A,C,B < /p>

4.A,B,C ---- left one right two (the apple in the center ends up on the left) --- --->B,C,A

5.A,B,C---- one left, one right then a big circle ------>B,A,C

6.A,B,C--- --a small circle two big circles ------>C,A,B

And another point , which is to make cuisine that can be sold, and sell it to a Chinese merchant. Archive it before selling it.

After three years of the game you can go to the 255th floor of the spring mine to dig out the flight stone, and then as long as it's something valuable, something that can't be shipped, junk can't be, go sell it to the Chinese merchant. His bid is higher than direct shipment. Remember to always send gold ore to him to maintain friendship, the higher the friendship, the higher the price he offers. Remember to save your blocks before selling to get the best price.

Any other questions, you can come and ask me.