The main components of floral fragrance are some organic compounds. These organic compounds are highly volatile and can be emitted into the air with flowers. When people breathe, they enter the olfactory organs of the human body, stimulate the olfactory nerves, and make people feel the presence of fragrance. For example, sandalwood is an elegant sandalwood flavor and an organic compound containing sandalwood alcohol; The rich fragrance of white orchids is accompanied by some organic acid compounds; There is also the cool fragrance of mint that we often smell, and the main component is terpenoids. While smelling the flowers, these organic compounds play a role in the human body, playing the role of anti-inflammatory, disinfection or laxative, and can sterilize and repel insects, thus achieving the effect of treating diseases.
Flower fragrance therapy must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, just like taking medicine and giving an injection. Because of the different chemical properties of various fragrances, their pharmacological effects are also very different, and even some floral scents are highly toxic. Once used improperly, they can poison people and cause allergies or shock.