What to do when you get fat during menopause

One, to have a reasonable diet

Diet for menopausal women is very important, in the diet should be more reasonable, not only nutrition should be appropriate, but also pay attention to control the calorie intake, to avoid eating some of the high-sugar and high-fat food, you should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, but also can eat more coarse grains, lean meat and soybean products and so on.

Two, to adjust the mind

Menopausal women due to physiological changes, so that their psychological fluctuations are too large. Therefore, they need to understand the causes of obesity, do not be too nervous, should not be wrong that menopausal obesity is too much fat, should take proactive measures to prevent obesity in order to maintain health.

Three, to appropriate exercise

Can do some aerobic exercise, such as jogging, walking, square dance, yoga, etc., every day to insist on exercise half an hour is beneficial. Generally speaking, menopause fat, appropriate exercise is very necessary to maintain health.

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/health.people.com.cn/n1/2016/0910/c14739-28705772.html "target="_blank "title="People's Daily Online-Why are menopausal women prone to obesity? Common 3 reasons">People's Daily Online - Why menopausal women easy to get fat? Common 3 reasons