Bodybuilding theory uses RM to indicate the highest number of repetitions that can be done consecutively with a certain load. For example, if an exerciser can only lift a weight five times in a row, that weight is 5RM. a beginner can do a load of 8 to 12RM, with about 8 to 12 reps per set. Rest no more than one minute after each set and no more than two minutes after each movement. Warm up for 10 minutes before doing the following exercises, you can trot.
Chest: dumbbell bench press, dumbbell bird, push-ups (4 groups each, push-ups do about 20);
Biceps: dumbbell one-armed curls, bent-over lifts (6 groups each);
Legs: deep squats, arrow squats, heel raises (6 groups each);
Triceps: dumbbell bent-over arm extensions, narrow-distance push-ups, dumbbell behind-the-neck arm extensions (4 groups each);
Back: pull-ups (try to do 10 or more), dumbbell rowing (4 sets of each);
Shoulders: push-ups, front planks, side planks (4 sets of each);
Abs: supine leg raises 4 sets.
Abs do to exhaustion or 15 to 25 per set. Rest time after each set is 20 to 30 seconds. Abs are practiced about 3 times a week. The first day to work on chest and biceps, the second day to work on legs and triceps, the third day to work on the back and shoulders, and the fourth day to rest. Practice four days a cycle
Adjust it a little more according to your own conditions