32 Steps Dancing Basic Moves

Basic 32-step dance moves are as follows:

Feet together, left foot takes a step to the left, right foot leans to the left and the left foot for the second step, left foot then takes a step to the left, right foot leans to the left foot for the fourth step

The same moves in the opposite direction, moving to the right, left foot leans to the right foot, which completes the 8 steps, and at the same time, returns to the origin

Take four steps forward, and four steps backward, and 16 steps are completed. four steps back, and back again, completing 16 steps.

Take a step forward with your left foot, tap the ground with your right foot to the right side, land with your right foot to the front, shift your weight to your right foot, and tap the ground with your left foot to the left side. The left foot moves to the right square, the center of gravity moves to the left foot, the right foot points to the right side, the right foot moves to the right back, the center of gravity goes to the right foot, the left foot points to the left side. At this point it is back to the original position, completing 24 steps.

Left foot to the upper right, right foot cross to the left front, left foot to the left rear, right foot to the right rear (to say people is the northeast of the rice-planting steps), walk twice. ***32 steps completed

Zero base friends, it is easy to get started, square dance is generally regular, four steps forward, four steps back, four steps to the left, four steps to the right, the first to learn the basic steps, the analogy of the quadrilateral step, cha-cha-cha step, the front step forward, backward step, step, step, step, step, step by step, the left circle, the right turn around, in a word, thirty-two steps is very simple to want to learn to learn to dance follow the learning.

The 32-step square dance teaching is really simple and easy to learn, as long as you go to follow others to dance, 32-step square dance with more than two or three times, listening to the beat of his music, all of a sudden learned.