Large factories don't accept personal purchases unless you know someone. The quality of small factories varies greatly! That is after-sales service. After all, local physical stores are close and after-sales service is convenient. Although there are mahogany furniture maintenance masters in every link of the mahogany furniture industry, the service is definitely not as good as the local physical store. The relative supply of furniture is guaranteed, but the choice of various grades of services is suitable for us ordinary people to choose, and even we can find good furniture, but we must pay attention to matching, otherwise the single piece looks good and we can buy it home, but it doesn't match at all and can't be returned. We can only wronged ourselves. I believe that the local physical store must be much better and more convenient, so I can calculate the economic account. If the factory buys it, the benefits are more. I can go to the factory to buy it. If the price difference is not too big, it is better to buy Guangdong in a local physical store!
Camp stores also have specialty stores. When you have time and leisure, you can go to the factory to buy it, which is generally cheaper than local physical stores. Like this red star Macalline and Huayang Home City, they are all high-end home cities in China. You have all the homes you want, and each has its own advantages. It should be said that the service may be better if you buy it in the store. In some parts of the factory, it is easy to say that as long as you have money, a coffee table and a sofa can cost tens of thousands, and there are many brands. A little, but manufacturers need to find someone to provide services locally when delivering goods. If it is convenient and quick, you can buy it nearby.