Which four factors can lead to low blood pressure and what should be done about it?

With the improvement of living standard, people's demand for health is also increasing, and the concept of health management is also increasing. More attention will be paid to the level of blood pressure, blood glucose, blood lipids and so on in daily chats. No, a grandmother in her 70s is inquiring: whether her blood pressure of 101/58mmHg is low.

What is the normal blood pressure value?

Blood pressure is the lateral pressure acting on the wall of the blood vessel per unit area when the blood flows in the blood vessel, which is the driving force for the blood to flow in the blood vessel. Blood pressure is generally expressed in two numbers, the first number is systolic pressure and the second number is diastolic pressure. According to China's Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Hypertension issued in 2018, blood pressure in normal people is generally recommended to be less than 120mmHg systolic and 80mmHg diastolic.Adults with a blood pressure of less than 90/60mmHg are generally considered to have low blood pressure. So a blood pressure of 101/58mmHg is normal systolic and low diastolic.

What are the symptoms of hypotension?

Some people have no symptoms of low blood pressure, and this condition does not usually have serious consequences. However, some people will experience dizziness and vertigo, which can also be characterized by fatigue, lack of energy, weakness, blurred consciousness, blurred vision, and decreased cognitive function.

What are the conditions in which low blood pressure can occur?

1. Physiological:

The blood pressure of some healthy people is followed up for a long period of time, and except for low blood pressure, the individual's life is not affected, and life expectancy is not affected;

2. Pathological

Also known as primary hypotension. It is commonly found in thin and weak people, and has a family genetic tendency;

3. Secondary

This kind of low blood pressure is usually associated with diseases, such as endocrine diseases (such as hypothyroidism, chronic hypoadrenocorticism, etc.), cardiovascular diseases (such as acute heart failure, heart attack, etc.), hypovolemic (such as diarrhea, vomiting, etc., leading to excessive water loss), medications (taking too much blood pressure-lowering medication, drugs with medications that cause adverse reactions to hypotension, etc.). If hypotension is considered to be related to a disease or medication, prompt consultation with a specialist is recommended.

4. Posture-related

Low blood pressure is caused by a change in posture, such as a sudden change from a lying position to an upright position, or insufficient blood supply to the brain when standing for a long time.

What should I do if I have hypotension?

1. Monitoring of blood pressure should be strengthened to monitor the level of blood pressure during the day and at night.

2. It is very important to strengthen nutrition for those who are weak.

3. For position-related hypotension, care should be taken to move slowly when changing positions, or to use hand-held objects to assist in avoiding falls caused by low blood pressure, and to administer appropriate medication under the guidance of a specialist if necessary.

4. Strengthen physical exercise. Pay attention to the daily routine, combine work and rest. For the elderly should be based on their own conditions and physical condition to choose the appropriate exercise program, such as tai chi, square dance, and so on.

5. Adjust diet. People with low blood pressure should not eat too much. Appropriate to eat slightly salty food, increase the amount of water consumption, so as to increase blood volume, so that the blood pressure raised. You can also drink tea and coffee in moderation to increase central excitement.

In short, for people with low blood pressure, they should measure their blood pressure more often, pay attention to the changes in their own state, exercise appropriately and eat reasonably. And for patients with related symptoms, they should go to the hospital in time to seek professional treatment.