a / E, eI / art. a (only, put, station ......)
a little A little; a little
a set of / E set Ev / a set; a pair
about / E5baJt / prep. About; in ...... terms
action movie / 5AkFEn 5mu:vI / action movie
actor / 5AktE(r) / n. an actor
address / E5dres / n. a place of communication; an address
after / 5AftEr /, /5B:ftE / prep.&conj. after ......
afford / E5fCr)d / v. to afford; to buy
afternoon / 7AftEr5nu:n /, / 7B:ftE5nu:n / n. afternoon; mid-afternoon
age / eIdV / n. age; chronological age
alarm o'clock / E5lBr)m E5klCk / alarm clock
all / C:l / pron. all; all
also / 5C:lsEJ / adv. too; also; and and
am / Am / v. is
am / 7eI5em / abbr. (or a.m.) morning
America / E5merIkE / United States; America
an / An / art. ...)
and / And / conj. and; again; and
answer / 5AnsEr /, / 5B:nsE / n. to answer; reply; answer
any / 5enI / pron. any one (or some) thing
anybody / 5enI7bCdI / pron. anyone
apple / 5ApEl / n. apple
April / 5eIprEl / n. April
are / Br) / v. are
aren't (=are not)
around / E5raJnd / adv. about
around / E5raJnd / n. to answer; answer; answer
Arm. adv. about
around / E6raJnd / adv. everywhere; in the neighborhood
art / B:t(r) / n. art; fine art; work of art
ask / Ask /, / B:sk / v. to inquire about; to ask
at / A / prep. in (in or near); at (point of engraving); to
August / 5C:gEst / n. August
aunt / Ant /, / B:nt / n. aunt; aunty; uncle; aunt; uncle
backpack / 5bAkpAk / n. duffel bag
bag / bAg / n. a schoolbag; a carry bag; a pocket
ball / bC:l / n. ball
banana / bE5nAnE /, / bE5nB:nE / n. banana
band / bAnd / n. band
baseball / 5beIsbC:l / n. baseball
basketball / 5bAskItbC:l /, / 5bB:skItbC:l /. 5bB:skItbC:l / n. basketball
basketball game
bat / bAt / n. (of tennis, table tennis, etc.)
be / bi: / v. to be (of being, state, etc.)
because / bI5kC:z /, / bI5kCz / conj. because
bed / bed / n. bed
before / bI5fCr) / prep. before ......
Beijing Opera 京剧
best / best / adj.&. adv. (the highest extreme of good, well) the best
big / bIg / adj.& adv. big; vast; significant
biology / baI5B:lEdVI /, / baI5ClEdVI / n. biology
birth / b\r)W / n. Birth; out of the world; born
birthday / 5b\r)WdeI / n. birthday
black / blAk / adj.&n. black(s)
blank / blANk / n. blank
blue / blu: / adj.&n. blue(s)
blue / blu: / adj.
book / bJk / n. book
bookcase / 5bJk7keIs / n. bookcase; bookcase
boring / 5bC:rIN / adj. boring; irritating
boy / bCI / n. boy
breakfast / 5brekfEst / n. breakfast
bring / brIN / v. to bring; to fetch; to bring
broccoli / 5brB:klI /, / 5brCklI / n. cauliflower
brother / 5brQTE(r) / n. brother; younger brother
brush / brQF / v. brush
bus / bQs / n. public ****car
busy / 5bIzI / adj. busy; hectic; busy
but / bQt / conj. but
buy / baI / v. to buy; to buy
call / kC:l / v. to call
can / kAn / modal v. can; could; would
can't (=can not)
card / kB:(r)d / n. card; cards; cards
carrot / 5kArEt / n. carrot
case / keIs / n. box; case; cupboard
CD / 7si:5di : / abbr. (=compact disc) laser disc
chair / tFer /, / tFeE / n. chair
chess / tFes / n. chess
chicken / 5tFIkIn / n. chicken
China / 5tFaInE / china
Chinese / 7tFaI5ni:z / n. Chinese; Chinese
Chinese / 7tFaI5ni:z / adj. Chinese; Chinese
city / 5sItI / n. city
class / klAs /, / klB:s / n. class; (one) lesson
clerk / kl\:rk /, / klB:k / n. (bank, office, store, etc.) clerk; clerk
clock / klB:k /, / klCk / n. clock
clothes / klEJTz / n. (pl.) clothes; clothing
club / klQb / n . . society; club
collection / kE5lekFEn / n. collection; collectible
color / 5kQlE(r) / n. color; color
come / kQm / v. to come; to come to
comedy / 5kB:mEdI /, / 5kCmEdI / n. Comedy
computer / kEm5pju:tE(r) / n. computer; electronic computer
computer game video game
contest / 5kB:ntest /, / 5kCntest / n. competition; contest; match
conversation / 7kB:nvE5seIFEn /, / 7kCnvE5seIFEn / n. conversation; talk
countable noun countable noun
cousin / 5kQzEn / n. cousin; cousin/sister
cream / kri:m / n. cream; butter
dad / dAd / n. (informal) dad
dance / dAns /, / dB:ns / v. to dance; to dance
date / deIt / n. a date
daughter / 5dC:tE(r) / n. a daughter
day / deI / n. a day; daytime; day; day
dear / dIr /, / dIE / adj. desk / n. desk; classroom desk
dessert / dI5z\:(r)t / n. (after-dinner) sweets
dictionary / 5dIktFEnerI /, / 5dIktFEnErI / n. dictionary; lexicon
difficult / 5dIfIkElt / adj. Difficult
dinner / 5dInE(r) / n. the main meal; dinner
do / du: / v.&aux. (auxiliary verbs that form a negative or interrogative sentence have no meaning) to do; to do; to act
do homework to do homework
documentary / 7dB. kjJ5mentErI /, / 7dCkjJ5mentErI / n. documentary
does / dQz / v.&aux. (third person singular of the verb do) (the auxiliary verb that forms a negative, interrogative sentence has no meaning) to do; to do; to act
doesn't (=does not)
dog / dCg / n. dog
dollar / 5dB:lEr /, / 5dClE / n. dollar (a unit of currency in the United States, Canada, etc., with the symbol $)
don't (=does not)
draw / drC: / v. draw
drawer / 5drC:(r) / n. drawer
dresser / 5dresE(r) / n. dresser; cupboard
drum / drQm / n. drum
each / i:tF / pron. each
eat / i:t / v. to eat
egg / eg / n. egg; eggs
eight / eIt / num. eight
eighteen / 7eI5ti:n / num. eighteen
eighteenth / 7eI5ti:nW / num. eighteenth
eighth / eIW / num. eighth
eleven / I5levEn / num. eleven
eleventh / I5levEnW / num. eleventh
e-mail / 5i:meIl / n. (or email) e-mail
English / 5INglIF / n. English; English
eraser / I5reIzEr /, / I5reIzE / n. eraser; pencil eraser; blackboard eraser
evening / 5i:vnIN / n. evening; dusk; night
every / 5evrI / adj. each; every
example / Ig5zAmpEl /, / Ig5zB:mpEl / n. an example; instance
exciting / Ik5saItIN / adj. exciting; invigorating
excuse / Ik5skju:z / v. to forgive; pardon
excuse me 請原谅(客套语,用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人说话等场合)
family / 5fAmElI / n . . home; family
family name 姓氏
father / 5fB:TE(r) / n. 爸爸;父亲
favorite / 5feIvErIt / adj.&n. 最 Favorite (最 Favorite (东西))/
February / 5febjJerI /, / 5febjJErI / n. February
festival / 5festEvEl / n. (of music, ballet, theater, etc.) festival; holiday
fifteen / 7fIf5ti:n / num. fifteen
fifteenth / 7fIf5ti:nW / num. fifteenth
fifteenth / 7fIf5ti:nW / num. p>fifth / fIfW / num. fifth
find / faInd / v. to seek; to find
first / f\:st / num. first
first name name
five / faIv / num. five
floor / flC:(r) / n. floor; ground
food / fu:d / n. food
for / fC:(r) / prep. (indicating purpose or reason) in order to
found / faJnd / adj. (past tense, past participle of find) to retrieve
four / fC:(r) / num. iv
fourteen / 7fC:(r)5ti:n / num. fourteenth
fourth / fC:(r)W / num. fourth
French fries / 5frentF 5fraIz / (=French fried potatoes) fried potatoes; french fries
Friday / 5fraIdI / n. Friday
friend / frend / n. friend
from / frB:m /, / frCm / prep. from; from ......
fruit / fru:t / n. fruit
fun / fQn / adj. (mouth) amusing; enjoyable
funny / 5fQnI / adj. interesting; fun
furniture / 5f\:(r)nItFE(r) / n. furniture (in general)
game / geIm / n. sport; game
get to
get up
girl / g\:(r)l / n. girl
go / gEJ / v. to go
go home
go to a movie
go to bed
go to school to go to school
go to work to go to work
good / gJd / adj. good; satisfactory
grandfather / 5grAnd7fB:TE(r) / n. grandfather; maternal grandfather
grandmother / 5grAnd7mQTE( r) / n. grandmother; maternal grandmother
grandparent / 5grAnd7perEnt /, / 5grAnd7peErEnt / n. grandfather(mother); maternal grandfather(mother)
great / greIt / adj. wonderful; great
green / gri:n / adj.& amp;n. green
guitar / gI5tB:(r) / n. guitar
hamburger / 5hAmb\:(r)gE(r) / n. hamburger
happy / 5hApI / adj. cheerful; happy; satisfied
Happy! Happy Birthday!
has / hAz / v. (third-person singular form of have) to have; to eat; to drink
hat / hAt / n. hat
have / hAv / v. to have
have / hAv / v. to eat; to drink
have a look at Take a look at; to look at
he / hi: / pron. him
healthy / 5helWI / adj. healthy; robust
hello / hE5lEJ / int. (as a greeting) hello
help / help / v.&n. to help; assistance
her / h\:(r) / pron. her
here / hIr /, / hIE / adv. here; here
Here you are.
he's (=he is)
hi / haI / int. hi
his / hIz / pron. his
history / 5hIstErI / n. history
hobby / 5hB:bI /, 5hCbI / n. amateurism; favorite subject
hobby / 5hB:bI /, 5hCbI / n. a hobby. ; favorite topic
home / hEJm / adv. home
homework / 5hEJmw\:(r)k / n. homework; extracurricular work
hotel / hEJ5tel / n. hotel
hour / 5aJr /, / 5aJE / n. hour
how / haJ / adv. how / haJ / adv. (指程度) how much; 何等; 怎样
how much (价格) how much
how old how old; how many years
I / aI / pron. card (ID=identification) ID card
I'm (=I am)
in / In / prep. with (as in method, medium, tool, etc.)
in / In / prep. in ......
interesting / 5IntrIstIN / adj. interesting; catching interest
is / Iz / v. is
isn't (=is not)
it / It / pron. it
it's (=it is)
January / 5dVAnjJerI /, / 5dVAnjJErI / n. January; the first month
job / dVB:b /, / dVCb / n. job; odd job; position; office
join / dVCIn / v. to take part in; to join
July / dVJ5laI / n. July
June / dVu:n / n. June
key / ki: / n. key
kid / kId / n. child; young person
kind / kaInd / n. kind
know / nEJ / v. to know; to understand
kung fu / 7kQN5fu: / n. Chinese kung fu
last / lAst /, / lB:st / adj. last; previouslast name surname
learn / l\:(r)n / v. to learn; to learn
let / let / v. to allow; to let
let's (=let us)
letter / 5letE(r)n / n. a letter of a name; a letter of a name; a letter of a name; a letter of a name; a letter of a name; a letter of a name; a letter of a name; a letter of a name; a letter of a name letter / 5letE(r) / n. letter
life / laIf / n. life
like / laIk / v. like
list / lIst / n. a list
listen / 5lIsEn / v. to listen
little / 5lItl / adj. little; small
long / lC:N /, / lCN / adj. long
look / lJk / v. to see; to look; to look at
look / lJk / n. to look at; to gaze at
lost / lC:st /, / lCst / adj. to lose; to lose
lost and found lost and found
lost / 5lIsEn / n. list
lost / 5lIsEn / v. to listen
little / 5lItl / adj. and found lost and found
lot / lB:t /, / lCt / n. many; a lot
lots of lots of
love / lQv / v. to love; to like
lunch / lQntF / n. lunch
many / 5menI / adj. a lot of <
March / mB:(r)tF / n. March
math / mAW / n. Mathematics
May / meI / n. May
may / meI / modal v. may; can
me / mi: / pron. t / v. to meet; to come across
Miss / mIs / Miss
mom / mB:m /, / mCm / n. (informal) mother
Monday / 5mQndI / n. Monday
month / mQnW / n. month
more / mQnW / n. month. p>
more / mC:(r) / pron. more; greater
morning / 5mC:(r)nIN / n. morning; morning
mother / 5mQTE(r) / n. mom; mother
movie / 5mu:vI / n. movie
Mr / 5mIstE(r) / Mr. (title given to a man before his surname or first name)
Mrs / 5mIsIz / Mrs.; Mrs. (title given to a married woman before her surname or first name)
music / 5mju:zIk / n. music
musician / mju:zIFEn / n. musician
music / 5mju:zIk / n. music, music, music, music, music
music / 5mIsIz / 5mIsIz / 5mIsIz / 5mIsIz / mr.
my / maI / pron. my
name / neIm / n. name
name's (=name is)
need / ni:d / v. need
new / nu: /, / nju: / adj. new
next / nekst / adv . . then; following
nice / naIs / adj. good; pleasant
night / naIt / n. night; nocturnal
nine / naIn / num. nine
nineteen / 7naIn5ti:n / num. nineteen
nineteenth / 7naIn5ti:nW / num. nineteenth
ninth / naInW / num. ninth
no / nEJ / adv. (expressing the negative) no; not
notebook / 5nEJtbJk / n. notebook
November / nEJ5vembE(r) / n. November
number / 5nQmbE(r) / n. count; number
o'clock / E5klB:k /, / E5klCk / adv. (=of the clock). ..... O'clock (only used for positive points)
October / Ck5tEJbE(r) / n. October
of / Ev / prep. (belonging to) ......'s
often / 5C:fEn /, / 5CfEn / adv. from time to time; often
.oh / EJ / int. ah; oh; yah (to express surprise, fear, etc.)
OK / 7EJ5keI / adj. good; not bad
old / EJld / adj. of age; old; elderly
on / B:n /, / Cn / prep. on ... . on
on sale cheaply; for sale
one / wQn / num.&pron. one (used in place of a singular person or thing)
only / 5EJnlI / adv. only; merely
opera / 5B:pErE /, / 5CpErE / n. opera
or / C:(r) / conj. or; otherwise
orange / 5C:rIndV /, / 5CrIndV / n. orange; citrus
other / 5QTE(r) / pron. another person(s); other
our / 5aJr / , / 5aJE / pron. , / 5aJE / pron. our
P.E. / 7pi:5i: / abbr. (=physical education) physical education
paint / peInt / v. to draw
pants / pAnts / n. (pl.) (US mouth) pants
parent / 5perEnt /, / 5peErEnt / n. father or mother
partner / 5pB:(r)tnE(r) / n. partner; collaborator
party / 5pB:(r)tI / n. evening party
pear / per /, / peE / n. pear
pen / pen / n. fountain pen
pencil / 5pensEl / n. pencil
pencil case Pencil case; stationery box
pencil sharpener / 5pensEl 5FB:pE(r)nE(r) / pencil sharpener; pencil sharpener
people / 5pi:pEl / n . . people; people
phone / fEJn / n. phone; telephone
phone number phone number
photo / 5fEJtEJ / n. photo; photograph
piano / pI5AnEJ / n. piano
picture / 5pIktFE(r ) / n. picture
ping-pong / 5pIN7pB:N /, / 5pINpCN / n. table tennis
plant / plAnt /, / plB:nt / n. plant
play / pleI / v. to play; to play a game
play sports
play sports
please / pli:z / adv. please / pli:z / adv. please
plural / 5plJrEl /, / 5plJErEl / n. plural; plural forms
plural / 5plJrEl /, / 5plJErEl / adj. plural
pm / 7pi:5em / abbr. / abbr. (or p.m.) afternoon
price / praIs / n. prices
question / 5kwestFEn / n. question; problem; inquiry; query
racket / 5rAkIt / n. racket (of tennis, badminton)
really / 5rIElI / adv. / rCk / n. rock and roll
room / ru:m / n. room
ruler / 5ru:lE(r) / n. ruler; straightedge
run / rQn / v. to run; to gallop
runner / 5rQnE(r) / n. a person or animal that is prevalent
sad / sAd / adj. sad; sorrowful
salad / 5sAlEd / n. salad
sale / seIl / n. to sell; to sell cheaply
Saturday / 5sAtE(r)dI / n. Saturday
scary / 5skerI /, / 5skeErI / adj. scary;
school / sku:l / n. school
school day School day (not a holiday)
science / 5saIEns / n. science; the discipline of science
second / 5sekEnd / num. second
see / si: / v. to see
school / 5skerI /, / 5skeErI / v. to see. / v. to see
sell / sel / v. to sell; to sell; to sell
Semptember / sep5tembE(r) / n. September
seven / 5sevEn / num. seven
seventeen / 7sevEn5ti:n / num. seventeen