State of etiquette, the old ancestors left behind can not lose the culture of etiquette

State of Manners

Meet etiquette

China is a state of etiquette, since ancient times, 3,000 years of culture in the world to be passed on, so let's understand, from ancient times to the present day, traditional etiquette ...

Meet etiquette: we meet every day to say hello to our coworkers, which is the meet and greet, and the same this is also the most basic respect. We all know that having a good manners will make people feel good about you, and thus in your work, you will learn a lot from your colleagues, and likewise get his help.

If a person without manners in the company is very difficult to develop, because of his impolite behavior, cause others to resent, the same to him this person is not recognized, no manners on behalf of the lack of quality, quality is not high, it is difficult to have great achievements.

Table manners

If you eat with your elders, you should let them move your chopsticks first, or hear them say: "Let's move the chopsticks together", and then

move your chopsticks, not in front of them.

When you eat from a bowl, you should pick up the bowl with your hands, holding the bowl with your thumbs, and the bottom of the bowl with your forefingers, middle fingers, and ring fingers, leaving your palms empty. Do not end the bowl ambush on the table to the bowl to eat, not only eat the appearance of indecent, and oppression of the stomach, affecting digestion.

The order and etiquette. Clip vegetables, should be from the plate near or face their own plate edge clip, not from the middle of the plate or leaning on the side of the clip, not to use chopsticks in the dish to turn around "looking for", eyes should not always stare at the dish, a clip should not be too much food.

Lion etiquette

From ancient times to the present lion martial arts are not divided, martial arts is an ancient military war a heritage of technology, is a contemporary traditional martial arts show. As the saying goes, practice martial arts first learn morality. Before learning the lion dance, the first thing to learn is etiquette, and the etiquette of the lion dance is the "fist salute".

Why learn the fist salute? The "fist salute" is a traditional Chinese Han etiquette, which represents a modest, eager to learn, waiting for the lion friends, seniors teach.

The fist salute is a traditional Chinese Han etiquette, the practice is to hold the right palm with the left palm, its specific meaning is as follows: the left palm indicates that the moral and intellectual, physical, beautiful, not proud, the right palm indicates that the courage to practice martial arts, so the left palm holding the right fist, said "martial arts do not violate the prohibition", the courage does not Zi Chaos, "as this means that the constraints, restraint, restraints of courageous and martial arts meaning.