I am very fat, one hundred and sixty pounds, I like a boy, but he does not like fat, I want to lose 40 pounds before the New Year, begging for a way, (he has never seen me,)

Scientific weight loss is the need for a reasonable dietary structure, as well as the right amount of body movement to achieve.?

One, eat a full stomach can also lose weight?

Some people think that as long as the diet can lose weight, in fact, not. Because of the different calories contained in food, eating more is not necessarily more calorie intake, eating less is not necessarily less calorie intake. For example, eating 35 grams of steamed bread and 70 grams of sweet potatoes, 120 grams of potatoes to get the same amount of calories. This suggests to us that dieters can be both satiated and not fat when choosing food, as long as they eat foods that are large in size and low in calories.?

Various vegetables, winter melon, cucumber, cabbage, beans, etc. contains the lowest calorie, if you want to get the same weight loss effect, eat two copies of the above vegetables and eat a copy of lentils or garlic shoots is the same. If you want to choose lotus root, taro and so on, then only eat half a portion is enough. Among fruits, watermelon has the greatest weight loss effect. Eating 200 grams of any of pears, peaches, apples, bananas, oranges, etc., will give you the same number of calories as eating 750 grams of watermelon. Dried fruits have far more calories than fresh fruits. Therefore dieters should not eat dried fruits such as dried apricots or raisins.?

Dieters are better off eating more fish than meat, especially cooked meat. You get as many calories from eating 120 grams of fish as you do from 50 grams of lean meat or 25 grams of sausage. From a weight loss point of view, fish and meat are ranked in the following order: fish is better than chicken, and chicken is better than beef and lamb. Nutritionists rate meat as four legs are better than two, and two legs are better than no legs at all.?

Beans have the lowest calorie count, making soy products the food of choice for dieters. Using soy products as a snack instead of apples? fruit is also a good way to...?

The key to losing weight is to lower your calorie intake. Therefore, by choosing foods that are large in size and low in calories, you will be able to lose weight on a full stomach.?

The following part of the food calorie conversion formula: 10 grams of cooking oil = 250 grams of peanuts, melon seeds = 25 grams of rice or noodles = 50 grams of lean meat = 120 grams of potatoes = 120 grams of fish = 150 grams of tofu = 200 grams of fruit = 500 grams of artemisia = 750 grams of watermelon.?

Two, the more you eat the leaner the food?

Many of the body fat or worried about fat people, always think that eating vegetables will not get fat, and therefore the vegetables are often not selected, uncontrolled consumption. In fact, too much consumption of vegetables containing high carbohydrates, excess carbohydrates will also be converted to fat storage in the body. So, what vegetables are good for fat people to eat?

Cucumber Cucumber contains amphoteric acid, which helps to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates from various foods into fat in the body.?

White radish White radish contains the pungent ingredient mustard oil, which promotes fat metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat under the skin.?

Chives Chives contain more fiber and are not easy to digest, can promote intestinal peristalsis, have a strong laxative effect.

Winter melon Winter melon contains less nutrients and can remove excess body fat, with a strong laxative effect.

The mung bean sprouts have more water content and produce less calories in the body, making it less likely that fat will accumulate under the skin.

Soybean and soybean products rich in unsaturated fatty acids, can break down the body's cholesterol, promote fat metabolism, so that subcutaneous fat is not easy to accumulate. In particular, the saponin in vinegar beans can exclude a kind of fat adhering to the wall of blood vessels and reduce the cholesterol content in the blood.?

Vinegar beans is: wash soybeans, drain the water, fried three or four minutes (pay attention to do not fry scorched), to be cooled, bottled, poured into the vinegar marinade, cover and seal, a week to eat. Every morning and evening to eat a few grains, that is, there is a weight loss effect, interested readers may wish to try.?

Three, the more you eat, the thinner the method?

To dieting method to lose weight, in fact, is very simple, with the mind to eat.?

Don't reduce the amount of food and drink, but to change the way you eat instead of ...... can be said to be the smartest diet now. First of all, don't let your stomach get too hungry before you eat, don't eat too fast either, and don't force yourself to eat food you don't like, all of which can be the cause of poor calorie consumption and the food you eat can easily turn into fat. Also, eat at a certain time every day, more important than imagined, because it can develop a regular consumption.

1. Correct bad eating habits?

Most of the diets of obese people are automatic and unconscious, and there is a lack of thought and true appreciation. So they miss out on a lot of the fun they can get from food, and they often eat more calories than they should. When we chomp down on a big bag of potato chips, are you aware of how much you are eating? Did you savor the taste of each bite? Are you eating too many calories?

The following dieter is an example of an unconscious eater. She loved ice cream and ate a bowl of it every night. At the request of her diet coach, she began counting how many bites she ate while noting the pleasure (level of satisfaction) each bite brought her. As a result, she averaged 16 bites per day and noticed that the first 4 bites were savory, then about 10 bites or so were less sensory (i.e., unconscious, habitual eating); and the last two bites were tasty because she was almost finished. With these new realizations, she understands that the 10 bites in the middle are excess and unwanted calories.?

When reviewing a food diary, the following points should be given special attention:?

(1) Time of day for eating?

Is there a particular time of day when you focus on eating? A typical bad habit is to eat a little bit at breakfast and lunch, and then have a big meal in the evening. Also, did you eat before bed? Did you have a snack in the afternoon? Is your diet irregular? There is also the case where you are careful with your diet on weekdays, but lose control on weekends. In that case, everything is lost. Therefore, people with this tendency should actively look for other activities (e.g. exercise) to replace the habit of eating.

(2) What to eat?

Is there a particular preference for the food you choose? Which foods are higher in calories? Can they be replaced with lower calorie foods? Do you eat only what you like? What is the most difficult food to resist?

To control the amount of food and calories consumed. People often take in too many calories without realizing it, so it's important to think carefully about what you eat at each meal.

(3) Where to eat?

Where do you eat besides your three meals?