Merry Christmas in Japanese is the lyrics of Ding Rinrin, which is used for comparison between China and Japan.


Let's leave now. What wind? Run, sled, like the wind. Is it still early to snow? In the snow, light and fast. Laughter, snow and laughter in the fragrant snow sea. What's your name? What's your name? Happy and brilliant flowers will grow.

ジングルベルジングルベルがるが ジングルベルジングルベルがるが The noise echoed in the forest.

Why don't you go up the hill? Run, sleigh, over the hill. Are snow and wind white? Snow is white, so is the wind. Song, sound, fly, go? Singing and flying away. Fly back (sing) to the starry sky that begins to shine.

ジングルベルジングルベルがるるがるがるがががるるる 12 のリズムにひかりのがぅ? With the rhythm of the bell, the bright wheels are spinning. ジングルベルジングルベルがるるがるがるがががるるる 12

のリズムにひかりのがぅ? With the rhythm of the bell, the bright wheels are spinning.