What are the lyrics to the song "A pretty girl is getting married"?
The pretty girl is getting married But I still love him in my heart I'm forever scarred by my love for you Look at the tears in my eyes The pretty girl is getting married I used to dream that you'd marry me back home When we were so in love we couldn't help it Now you've become my eternal worry The pretty girl is getting married My eyes are tearing up I didn't realize that I'd lose her She's been in someone else's arms since then When will I see her again? My heart aches like a knife at the thought of losing her forever. My beloved girl, my beloved girl, is getting married today, with flowers in her hand and a white wedding gown on her body. My heart aches like a knife at the thought of marrying someone else. Is he really better than me? Is he really better than me? I have tears in my eyes My beloved girl, my beloved girl, is getting married today I want to tell her out loud that I'll always love her forever My girl, my girl, I'm getting married I once dreamt that you'd marry me home When we were so much in love we couldn't help it Now you're my eternal worry My beautiful girl is getting married I have tears in my eyes at the thought of it I hate that I didn't dare to express myself earlier That's the price I pay for my cowardice The pretty girl is going to get married l have to think of a way to stop her l'll send her roses now l have to calm down, pretty girl, pretty girl is going to get married l have tears in my eyes l never thought that l'd really lose her, she'll be in someone else's arms from now on, pretty girl is going to get married when will l ever see her again my heart aches like a knife when l think that l'm going to lose her forever, pretty girl is going to get married l'm going to get married, pretty girl is going to get married, l'm going to lose her forever, l'm going to lose her forever, my heart aches like a knife. The beautiful girl is going to get married I'm in tears just thinking about it I hate that I didn't dare to express myself earlier This is the price I pay for my cowardice The beautiful girl is going to get married I have to think of a way to stop her Hurry up and send her roses girl girl girl, you have to calm down Hurry up and send her roses girl girl girl, you have to calm down