Development and Characteristics of Ballet
About ballet, poets exclaim: ? She strolled above the calyx, and surprisingly could not bend the stem of the flower!!!? The lightness of its dance can be seen. The famous French writer Théophile. Gautier praised:? Miss Tallioni is still the only dance, embodied in the dance, in our opinion, like a poet is impossible to realize the dream of the dancers. Victor Hugo, the great writer, also inscribed the creation of the female ballet dancer Tallioni: "To your marvelous feet, I dedicate myself. To your marvelous feet, to your marvelous wings! This is the charm of ballet!
? Ballet? originated in Italy and flourished in France, ? The word "ballet" originated in Italy and flourished in France. The word "ballet" is the English translation of the French word "ballet". The word "ballet" is an English translation of the French word "ballet", which means "to dance", "to dance", "to dance", and "to dance". Jumping. or? dancing. Ballet is initially a mass self-entertainment or square performance dance in Europe, in the process of development formed a strict norms and deconstructed form, its main feature is that actresses have to wear special pointe shoes to stand up on their toes to dance. As a comprehensive stage art, ballet was formed in the 17th century at the French court. 1661, King Louis XIV of France ordered the founding of the world's first Royal School of Dance in Paris, which established the five basic foot positions and seven hand positions of the ballet, so that the ballet has a complete set of movements and systems. These five basic foot positions have been used until today.
Ballet is the use of music, dance and pantomime techniques to perform theatrical episodes. Actresses often dance with toes pointing to the ground. Meaning: ① a form of stage dance, that is, European classical dance, commonly known as ballet. This is based on folk dance throughout Europe, after centuries of continuous processing, enrichment, development and the formation of a strict norms and structural forms of traditional European dance art. 19th century, an important feature of the technology is that actresses have to wear special pointe shoes with the tip of the toes to dance, so some people call it pointe dance. ②Dance drama, initially refers to the European classical dance as the main means of expression, a combination of music, pantomime, stage art, literature in one, used to express a story or a plot of the theater art, called classical ballet (or classical dance drama), after the emergence of the twentieth century, modern dance combined with the classical dance techniques as the main means of expression to express the story or plot of the ballet called modern ballet. Gradually, the term ballet is also used to refer to a variety of other dance as the main means of expression of the dance theater works, although in the dance style, structural characteristics, methods of expression and other aspects are different from the classical ballet or modern ballet. ③ in the modern choreography of dance works, there is no story content, there is no plot, the choreographer uses European classical dance or modern dance, or a combination of the two, used to express a certain mood, mood, or performance of the author of a musical work of understanding, etc., these are also known as ballet.
ballet word, from the ancient Latin word ballo. initially, the word only means dancing, or public performance of dance, and does not have the meaning of the theater performance. Ballet as a stage art, bred in the Renaissance Italy grand feast entertainment activities, formed in the 17th century in the French court, this court ballet is actually in a unified theme, with a loose structure of dance, singing, music, recitation and drama of the integrated performance, designed by professional dance teachers, the king and the nobility as the actors, the role of the female role is also played by the men, the performance venue in the center of the palace hall, the audience is around the palace, and the audience will be able to perform in the theater. In the center of the hall, the audience watched around the hall; the actors wore leather masks to mark the different roles, so it is also known as the Ballet of Masks.
In 1661, Louis XIV ordered the establishment of the Royal Academy of Dance in Paris, and in the 1770s, ballet performances began to use the Bishop of Richelieu's court theater. Changes in performance venues and audience viewing angles led to changes in dance technique and aesthetics, with performers standing in increasingly outward-facing positions, thus formalizing the five basic positions of the foot, which became the basis for the development of ballet technique. Professional ballet performers came into being and gradually replaced the noble amateurs, professional female ballet performers also began to perform on stage, and the dance technique was able to develop more rapidly. The ballet performance gradually changed from a basically self-indulgent social activity to a theatrical performance art. The ballet of this period was subordinate to the opera, and the court composer J. B. Lully added ballet scenes to the opera, which was actually a series of dance performances, and the plot was irrelevant, which was then called singing ballet or ballet opera. This situation lasted until the middle of the 18th century, when the 18th-century ballet master J.G. Nowell was the most influential dance innovator in the history of ballet. He first put forward the idea of "plot ballet" in the Epistles of Dance and Drama published in 1760, emphasizing that dance was not only a technique of form, but also a tool for dramatic expression and exchange of ideas. It emphasizes that dance is not only a technique of form, but also a tool for theatrical expression and exchange of ideas. Norvell's theory promoted a wave of innovation in ballet, in which he and many other actors, choreographers and directors continued to work hard, ballet from the content, subject matter, music, dance techniques, costumes and other aspects of a series of reforms, these reforms so that the ballet can finally be separated from the opera, the formation of an independent theater art.
In the history of the development of ballet, there are two main aesthetic points of view have been at work. One point of view is that ballet is "pure dance", the 16th-century Italian dance teacher, the Queen's Comedy Ballet choreographer B. de Beaujolais believes that ballet is "a combination of geometric patterns in which several people dance together". This view focused entirely on the formal beauty of the ballet, almost completely disregarding the content or plot of the ballet, often leading to the pure pursuit of skill and splendor, and before the middle of the 18th century, this view ruled the ballet creation. Another viewpoint emphasizes that ballet is a "dramatic dance", and Novell's theory of "plot ballet" represents this viewpoint in the most concentrated way. He believed that in a ballet work, the dance should express dramatic content, "the plot and dance design should be unified, there is a logical, understandable story as the central theme, and the plot has nothing to do with the solo dance and dance fragments have to be canceled", in the dance drama, "not only is the dance technique brilliant, but also through the dramatic performance, from the emotional aspect of the audience". The above two main points of view still play a role, many choreographers are committed to creating dramatic or plot ballet works, there are also choreographers are keen on the plotless ballet, focusing on the beauty of the form, the two types of works of the excellent repertoire are appreciated by the audience, and as a reserved repertoire is often staged. 20 centuries since the various literary and artistic trends on the creation of the ballet has become more and more obvious, the emergence of a number of different styles of work.
To create a ballet, the choreographer is the key figure, he is based on a literary script (or a story, a poem, a musical work) to conceptualize the structure of the choreography or dance structure, and then embodied by the actors. Choreographers and actors must master the ballet language (or ballet vocabulary) - ballet technical skills, as well as the use of ballet language to express a particular content or emotional ability, choreographers should be well aware of what they are long in the performance of what can not be expressed; and the actors should be well-trained to adapt to and creatively embodied choreographers of the idea, only with these basic conditions, ballet creation can be carried out and completed. Ballet structure form: solo, duo, trio, four, group dance, etc., choreographer using classical dance, character dance (staged folk dance and folk dance), modern dance, etc., according to the above forms can be compiled multi-act ballet (or not divided into scenes, such as "Swan Lake"), one-act ballet (such as the "nymphs"), ballet vignettes (such as the "death of the swan") and so on. Ballet of this structural form in the late 19th century to a high degree of standardization and program, so that the impact and limit the development of ballet. In the 20th century, a large number of ballet works created by choreographers and directors, these norms and programs have been greatly broken, and new explorations and creations continue to emerge.