Idioms by The Complete Idioms List Four-word idioms (Idioms by Category)
Idioms containing the name of an animal
万象更新, 抱头鼠窜, 鸡鸣狗盗, 千军万马,亡羊补牢, 杯弓蛇影, 对牛弹琴, 如鱼得水, 鸟语花香, 为虎作伥,黔驴技穷, 畫龙点睛, 虎背熊腰, 守株待兔, 鹤发童颜, 狗急跳墙、盲人摸象、画蛇添足 Idioms containing the names of two animals
鹤立鸡群、鸡鸣狗盗、鹬蚌相争、蚕食鲸吞、蛛丝马迹、龙争虎斗, 龙飞凤舞, 龙腾虎跃, 龙骧虎步, 龙潭虎穴, 龙跃凤鸣, 車水马龙, \ rabbit death fox sadness, chicken and dog restlessness, 心猿意马, wolf devouring tiger swallowing
Idioms containing the organs of the human body
Idioms containing the organs of the human body
Idioms containing the names of the body of the human body
Idioms containing the names of the human body
High-eyed, dumbfounded, chest without ink, head heavy, hand and foot, mouth is not the heart of the ear to see, head broken, clear-eyed, hand on the sidelines, out of the mouth,
Hands without the power to bind chickens
Idioms Containing the Names of Insects
Moths fluttering to the flame, the cicada shells, accumulation of mosquitoes into the thunder, the toad palace to the laurel, silkworms and whales swallowed, 蜻蜓点水、蛛丝马迹、螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后
Idioms containing a set of near-synonyms
见多识广、察言观色、高瞻远瞻 、左顾右盼 、调兵遣将 、粉身碎骨 Wild storm, side-tracking, thousands of painstaking efforts, quick-eyed and quick-handed, alive and well, astonishingly, seven pieces together, gibberish, change the dynasty, hearsay
1/ From this to the other
Multi-character Idioms
The strength of nine oxen and two tigers, the power of the hand, a thousand-mile journey begins with a single step, you can't judge a person by his appearance, it is easy to get a thousand soldiers, but hard to get a general, the time is right, the place is right, the people are right, the habit becomes nature, a year's plan lies in the spring, a long period of drought meets a sweet dew, a single sentence, to unring the bell, a person who doesn't have a faraway thought will have a nearby worry, a person who doesn't think far ahead will have a nearby worry, a person who is quiet as a maiden, a man will move as if a rabbit is removed, a man will clasp his feet in a hurry, The sparrow may be small, but all its organs are in one piece. Locked eyes, dumbfounded, downcast, playful
Idioms describing heroes
A righteous spirit, fearless in the face of danger, bright and open, upright and upright, wise and courageous, able to save the day
A wise man in a hurry, able to look up to the heavens, calm and collected, able to turn peril into danger
Idioms describing the beauty of spring
Symbols of spring, bright and beautiful, ten thousand purples, thousands of reds and flowers, spring rains like oil, vitality, spring gardens full of color, spring is full of flowers, spring is full of color. What are the four-character idioms of "ball"
The four-character idioms of "ball" are:
1) Globally Famous
Pinyin fēi yù quán qiú
Explanation Fēi yù quán qiú
Fēi yù quán qiú means famous both at home and abroad, and it refers to a person who is famous both at home and abroad. It refers to being famous both at home and abroad.
Antonym infamous
From Lu Xun's "The First Citizen of Brussels", a statue of the world-famous "The First Citizen of Brussels", which stood in the alley of Eduliffe, near the Grand Place.
2. Fame All Over the World
Pinyin yù mǎn quán qiú
Comment A good reputation is known all over the world.
Antonym infamous
Source From "The Tablet of King Zhao of Anlu in Qi" by Liang Shenyao, "The banquets and laughter were inexhaustible, and the reputation of the whole world was full of virtues."
Expanded Information:
A. Ball
Pinyin Qiú
1. Mathematically, it refers to the three-dimensionality of a circle. The distance from the center to all points on the surface is equal.
2. Certain sporting goods or ball sports: foot~. ~ race.
3. Something spherical: coal ~.
4. A special reference to the earth or stars: all ~. Moon~.
2. Three-word phrase for the word ball:
A rubbing ball: a ball that rubs over the edge. A metaphor for something that just fulfills a condition;
snowball: a snowball rolling in the snow, getting bigger and bigger. A metaphor for something that develops more and more the more it is active;
3. Ball word two-word phrases:
Ball fan, goal, team, earth, play ball, penalty shot, softball, ballplay, eyeball, loose ball, corner ball, coccus, sphere, sphere, sphere, ball path, ballpark, color ball, handball, baseball, tee ball, racket, blood ball, globe, ball knife, moon, etc. Qi Zhi Zhi, teeth like Zhi Bei
1. pronunciation of the character Zhi Zhi: biān
2. strokes of the character Zhi Zhi: 12 strokes
3. radicals of the character Zhi Zhi: knit
4. group words of the character Zhi Zhi: Shi Zhi shǐ biān, Jin Zhi Jīn biān, Zhi Zhi Zhi biān lán, Zhi Zhi Xiā biān, Zhi Zhi Zài biān, Zhi Zhi Biān
4. group words of the character Zhi Zhi: Shi Zhi shǐ biān, Jin Zhi Jīn biān, Zhi Zhi Zhi biān, Zhi Zhi Zhi biān5. ān lèi
5. Wei Zhi San Jie means: it is a metaphor for studying diligently.
6. The meaning of "teeth like woven shells" is: to describe the teeth are neat and white.
7. The meaning of the word "fabricated" is: to speak without factual basis, irrationality, are made up at random.
4. four can group what four idiomsfour idioms :
three three four four,
四 四四俱全,
Three old men and four young men,
Four words and three words,
Three words and four words,
Three words and four words,
Three times and four times,
Three times and four times,
Four times and eight seasons,
Four times and eight seasons,
Three times and four seasons,
Three times and four seasons,
Three times and four seasons,
Three times and four seasons,
Four seasons and eight seasons,
Three seasons and four seasons,
Three seasons and four seasons,
Three seasons and four seasons,
5 What are the four-letter idioms in the group "时()时()"?時隐时见 shí yǐn shí xiàn
Explanation Hidden: hidden. See: same as "present"; appear. Sometimes it is hidden, sometimes it appears. Things in the distance are bright and dark at the same time.
Shí qíng shí yǔ
Explanation Shí qíng shí yǔ: weather with sun. Rain: water drops falling from the clouds. Sometimes it is sunny, sometimes it is rainy.
時上时下 shí shàng shí xià
Explanation 上:高处、上面。 Lower: positioned at the lower end. Sometimes at the upper end, sometimes at the lower end, high and low.
Shí hǎo shí huái
Explanation Good: all good things. Bad: bad quality, harmful. Describe this thing as good at one time and bad at another.
Shí kuài shí màn
Explanation Fast: the speed is big, opposite to "slow". Slow: low speed. It describes that the speed is fast and slow.
The moon appears and disappears in the sky, as if it is playing hide-and-seek with the children.
The weather this week has been really bad, sometimes sunny, sometimes rainy.
The alarm clock is not broken, it comes and goes.
6. What are the five groups of four-word idiomsThe idioms of five are:
Four Books and Five Classics,
Five Zeroes and Four Scattered,
Ten Changes and Five Harmonizations,
May Cloth Your Fur,
Going to the Sky in Feet and Five,
Reciting Five Cars in the Day,
Three Dynasties and Five Days,
Five words of the Great Wall,
Five zhang irrigation chives,
Seven phases and five dukes,
Three kings and five emperors,
Sense of the seal in the middle of the five,
Five feet of the vertical son,
Three platforms and five horses,
Five short and three thick,
Bowen and five carts,
Guo Gong Xia Wu,
Five horses and six monkeys,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
The five sides of the world,
Five Horses,
Four Horses,
Five Ways,
Five Ways,
Wearing Five Words,
Five Colors
7. What are the Four Character Idioms for BallsFour Character Idioms for Balls are: 1, Flying Fame, Pinyin Fēi Yù QUAN QIU, Interpretation Fēi, Flying Fame, Flying at Home and Abroad, Very Famous .
It means famous at home and abroad. Antonyms infamous Source Lu Xun's The First Citizen of Brussels: The statue of the globally famous "First Citizen of Brussels" stands in Eduliffe Alley near the Grand Place.
2. 誉满全球拼音 yù mǎn quán qiú释义 A good reputation is known throughout the world. Antonyms infamousSourceSouth Dynasty - Liang Shen Yao, "Tablet of King Zhao of Qi's late Anlu": "Banquet talk and laughter, love and laughter are inexhaustible; reputation is all over the world, and virtue crowns the living people."
Expanded Information:
1. The distance from the center to all points on the surface is equal. 2. Certain sporting goods or ball sports: foot~. ~ race. 3. something spherical: coal ~. 4. referring specifically to the earth or stars: all ~. Moon ~. 2. three-word phrase for the word ball: rubbing ball: a ball that rubs over the edge. A metaphor for something that just fulfills a condition; snowball: a snowball rolling in the snow, getting bigger and bigger. Metaphors for things that develop more and more the more they are active; 3. ball word two-word phrases: fan, goal, team, earth, play ball, penalty shot, softball, ball art, eyeball, loose ball, corner ball, coccus, sphere, sphere, ball path, ballpark, color ball, handball, baseball, tee ball, racket, blood ball, globe, ball knife, moon, and so on. One day, one thousand miles, new and different, reform the old and new, follow up the past, be unique, change the other day, change the earth, be aggressive, clean up one's mind, self-improvement, special craftsmanship, special style, push out the new, update the new, not be reluctant to show weakness, be indefatigable, get to the bottom of the matter, mark the new and different, be unique, change the other day, change the earth, be aggressive, follow up the past, strive for the upper reaches and strive only to make progress, strive for the future, self-improvement, introduce oneself, make the hundred-foot pole, go one step further, be special, special, special, special, not be willing to be reluctant, not yield to change Dripping water through stone Adjective: mǎ dào gōng chéng Idioms by idiom: mǎ dào gōng chéng Idioms by idiomatic expression: describing things that go well and are successful right from the start. Idioms by idiom:Yuan-郑廷玉《楚昭公》第四折:"I only wish you to achieve success in your endeavors, and return in triumph." Idioms Example: To make me supervise the annihilation of the Jiang, Huai, Yu, Chu between, if you can plan to win,, the provinces will not be easy for the force of the ministers? Ming - Lu Xiangsheng "剿荡衍期聽候處分并陈贼势兵情疏" (which ~ represents this entry: 馬到功成) Idioms by The Free Dictionary: gongcheng míng jiù (Views: 15472) Idioms by The Free Dictionary: gōng chéng míng jiù Idioms by The Free Dictionary: gōng chéng míng jiù Idioms by The Free Dictionary: gōng chéng míng jiù. On: to achieve. The achievement has been made, and the reputation has been gained. Idioms from: Mozi - Cultivation of the Body: "If one achieves success and fame, one's reputation must not be false." Idiomatic expressions:You talk about the ~ of being an official, but I talk about the longevity of being a family man. (Yuan - Fan Zian, "Chen Jiqing mistakenly boards a bamboo-leaf boat", second half) (where ~ stands for this entry: achievement of success and fame) Idioms by The Free Dictionary: flag open to victory (Views: 15,472) Idioms by The Free Dictionary: Just as soon as the flag was opened to enter the battle, a victory was achieved. Simile: As soon as something starts, it achieves a good result. Idioms from: Yuan-Wu Ming's "Shooting Willows and Punching Pills," Part 4: "Thanks to the master's blessing, the flag was opened and victory was achieved, and the horse was successful." Idiomatic expressions:Jiang Wenhuan, a rage across the line to split Dongzhong. (Ming-Xu Zhonglin, "The Enchantment of the Gods," 94th episode) (where ~ stands for this entry: 旗开得胜) Idioms by The Free Dictionary: 指日成功 (Views: 15472) Idioms by The Free Dictionary: zhǐ rì chéng gōng Idioms by The Free Dictionary: means to be successful in the near future. idiomatic expression:Yuan-Gao Wenxiu""襄阳会 "第三折:""Seeing Cao Cao is as easy as a hand, and breaking him in a few days will lead to success in a matter of days." Yuan-杨梓《豫让吞炭》第二折:"With me to guard the embankment, do not seepage and leakage, will be successful in a few days, *** enjoy its benefits." Idioms: 蹴而就 (Views: 15472) Idioms by The Free Dictionary Pronunciation: yī cù ér jiù Idioms by The Free Dictionary Interpretation: cu: step; on: success. Cu: step; on: success. It is said that things are easy and successful at once. Idioms from: Song - Su Xun, "On the Book of Tian Zhumi": "The scholars of the world, who do not want to create the domain of the saints in a single step." Example of Idioms: All I have received from the past are the general principles, and I can't do anything about the complicated Ze! (清清-吴趼人《痛史-原叙》) (其中~代表本词条:一蹴而就)翱翔天际,大展鸿图,前程似锦,光明无限步步高升,财源广进.