Ghosts confuse the mind meaning


Ghosts and monsters confuse the mind. It refers to the lack of understanding of the problem.

Chinese idiom source: 清-李绿园《歧路灯》第六十回:"Momentarily bewildered by the ghosts, I regretted it."

Chinese idiom example sentence: I am really like what people said in the past, "the ghost is obsessed with the mind", and now I can finally get rid of the ghost!

Traditional writing style: 鬼迷心窍

Note: ㄍㄨㄟˇ ㄇㄧˊ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄠㄧˋ

Synonyms for 鬼迷心窍 : to be obsessed with not being able to distinguish between things. Describes stubbornly wrong understanding, do not know repentance confused blurred his thoughts confused, but is an extraordinary artist

Ghostly antonyms: labyrinthine See " labyrinthine know the opposite ".

Idiomatic grammar: subject-verb; as predicate, object; pejorative

Common usage: common idiom

Sentiment. Color: pejorative idiom

Chinese idiom structure: subject-verb idiom

Era: modern idiom

English translation: be haunted by ghosts

Russian translation: чёрт попутал

Japanese translation: 魔(ま)がさして分別(ぶんべつ)を失う

Other translations: <law>être possédé,obsédé <avoir le diable au corps>

Chinese Idioms: Dancing on a Mass Grave

Writing Note: Troubadour can't be written as "steal".