Dongguan Fenggang postal code

The postcode of Fenggang, Dongguan is 523682.

According to the postcode database, the postcode of Fenggang, Dongguan is 523682, with the first two digits 52 representing Guangdong Province, the third digit 3 representing Dongguan City, the fourth digit 6 representing Fenggang Town, and the last two digits 82 representing specific delivery areas.

Fenggang Town is located at the southeast end of Dongguan City, adjacent to Longgang, Henggang, Pinghu and Guanlan in Shenzhen in the east, south and west. The town covers a total area of 82.43 square kilometers and governs 12 villages (communities), with a registered population of 47,500 and a permanent population of 4 1.8 1.0000.