そのがきたくて (I want to hear that voice)
Heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart.
びんだのかってるのかなななのかななななななななな 1
In the future, * * * dreams, and memories of the future are intertwined.
Courage, strength and loneliness can all be transformed into courage, because you are not alone anymore.
(Smell かせて) (Let me listen)
Tomorrow, tomorrow I will meet you, and I will face it with a sincere smile.
Dream of a bright night, a thread, an encounter, and a hope to meet the dawn together in the dream.
Infinite time, instant, instant is not as good as infinite time together.
そののぃつかかせてねじてくくねくねくくくくくくくく 12
The season has passed; Although the four seasons alternate, the same place is still there.
I'm waiting across the door to guard the important (memories).
Anxiety, parenting, dreams, life? Is it possible to live with restless dreams?
だから く く ぉ ぅ は く く は く は く く は く く は く く く く く く 12
(Smell it? )? Did you hear that? )
It is better to be honest with each other than to hold on to the hard words.
Zero temperature れたかにもりがぃてくくくくくくくくく.
しさに まれて らかに し し し し し し し し し し し し し し し し 12
On the first day of overflow, the song was played to that place.
(Smell かせて) (Let me listen)
Tomorrow, tomorrow I will meet you, and I will face it with a sincere smile.
Dream of a bright night, a thread, an encounter, and a hope to meet the dawn together in the dream.
It is better to be honest with each other than to hold on to the hard words.
I have been playing (this song) every day for a long time.
⒖けすぃそののがだきたくててののきてくてててての 12