Translation of the Chinese lyrics of Silver Soul ED15(ワンダフルデイズ)

The dream that dances in the morning is full of hope

The dream that dances in the morning is overflowing with hope

The wish that the star wishes for is increasing by the day

The wish that the star wishes for is increasing by the day

Yuushisako またひとかけら 手に拾って〖gain the gentleness one by one into the hands〗

この胸の中に饰る ワンダフルデイズ〖and then adorned in the chest of this wonderful time]

Out of the head (like a head-on collision)

How to flash a dream or what dream to depict (what flashes up, then immediately depict the dream)

On the way to get started くいかなけりゃ (if things don't go well)

Flavourless gum (like chewing tasteless chewing gum)

Unrehearsed Moshi Tate (未练も舍てた〖把依恋也舍弃了〗

とにかく すべてがambiguousで〖总之 一切都很ambiguous〗



きっと次は I'm going to get started on it. I'm sure it will go well next time, right?

Higher precious stones を集めても〖even if you collect higher precious stones〗

蹴飞ばせないなら 抜け出せないから〖If you can't kick it away, you won't be able to get out of there〗

悲しそうだね あの娘は〖那女孩 looks sad〗

でも暗暗にいる程 未来は眩しい〖but the more you're in darkness, the more bright the future will be〗

でも暗暗にいる程未来は眩しい〗【但是 in darkness the more the future will shine〗

でも暗暗にいる程未来は眩しい〗【但是在 darkness the longer it is The future will be more dazzling

The dream that dances in the morning is full of hope

The dream that dances in the morning is overflowing with hope

The wish that the star wishes for is increasing by the day

The wish that the star wishes for is increasing by the day

Yuushisako Mata Hito Kakera hand picks up the tenderness in his hand again

The chest is decorated with then adorned in the chest of this wonderful time

Secret Darake's Crossroads, (the crossroads full of secrets)

Motions of Monokoro's Bills, People's Waves, (as if swaying the common tall buildings, the tidal wave of the crowd)

Areya Koreya Umai Wordsばかり(那这个这 全是一些好话)

Areya Koreya Umai Wordsばかり【那个这个全部是一些好话〗

Areya Koreya Umai Wordsばかり【那个这个这 全是一些好话〗

うまい事やってのける大人達〖大人们 who do good deeds〗


こんちくしょ!って?LoHan_LoHan_922A?鈪んちくしょ!(あれやこれやってなくしょ). って涙もこぼれた〖"Damn it!" After I said that, tears came out of my eyes

Iつまでもガキのままでいいから〖ever act like a little kid is fine〗




荷物を抱えて真真に収け収えに収け("the world is a place for the people")

Fortunately, there are many different kinds of happiness (if it's me)

Handholding the hand of the person you like is all you need to do

The dream of dancing in the morning is filled with hope. hope]

The star's wish is increasing day by day[the wish to the star is increasing day by day]

Yoshisa を またひとかけら 手に拾って[再把温柔一片一片地拾到手中]

この胸の中に饰る ワンダフルデイズ[then adorned with the beautiful time in this chest]

First, I can see the animated path in the morning[I can see the hope in the future]

The dream of dancing in the morning is full of hope[the dream that dances in the morning is overflowing with hope]

Star's dream is full of hope[the dream that dances in the morning is overflowing with hope]

The star's dream is full of hope[the dream that flies in the morning is overflowing with hope I can see the untraveled road ahead of me

Arikitari de'mo dangtari wa de'mo (commonplace or not, natural or not)

one more time

Wakってるさ 目指すこの山顶は(I understand that even if I aim at this mountaintop)

迷っても間違った道はないから(途中), I'll get lost and won't go anywhere else. If you get lost, you won't be able to go anywhere else

Dengaru Nanda〖Continue to climb upwards

Dangtaribaen nada when people are oblivious〖The more it is taken for granted, the more oblivious people are

Lichi-Stop-Ma-って気づく景景がキレイ〖Stopping to realize that the scenery is just as beautiful as the clouds are in the air and parallel to the sky〗

云が譲り合う空と相行になって〖与云消雾散天空平行對 Parallel to the sky where the clouds are dispersing

Mataji no yuに変わる[until the next morning comes]

Maori ni yudou mengo wa hope ni munchi a furei[The dreams that fly in the morning are overflowing with hope]

Star ni wangyou wangai wa 日日に日に増える[To the stars to wish for the heart with the day to day increase]

优しさを またひとかけら 手に拾 って(再把温柔一片地 拾到手中)

この胸の中に饰る ワンダフルデイズ(然后装饰在这胸口中美好的时光)
