Square dance beginning aiya aiya aiya aiya in the middle with albatross ......

Liu Rong Square Dance "Love Shaanbei" dance music. Now I uploaded this dance song to Baidu.com disk to share with you.

Song "Love Shaanbei"

Sung by: Wang Erni

Album: "Shaanbei Folk Song"

Dance Music Production: Mind Sunshine


One side of the earth and the other side of the water nurtured my grandparents

Shandandandandan is red and colorful and bloomed so beautifully

Let's Sing Sing is not enough The Yellowland love and love

Shandandandan is red, red and colorful, and bloomed so beautifully.

The East is red, the sky is red, and the winds of spring are blowing in the 10,000 miles

Brother Love, I hope you'll come home soon

I've traveled all over the world, but I can't forget my sister Love

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and I'm fond of the water of the Yanhe River

I'm going to sing about Shaanbei-North with my voice

I can't get enough of my home town's mountains and waters

The Pagoda glows, the drums play, and the drums play, and the music is beautiful.