What does it feel like before the wedding, on the day of the wedding, and the day after the wedding?

Before the wedding: Before the wedding, you will be busy doing all the preparations. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to get the best out of your wedding, but I'm sure you're going to be able to get the best out of your wedding, and I'm sure you're going to be able to get the best out of your wedding. Before the wedding, I feel that I am the most capable of planning and organizing everything. Moreover, there are still a lot of people around me, I don't have to do some things myself, I just need to move my mouth, and I can ask others to do it. After all the work before the wedding, I felt one word: tired. Both tired, and tired. Wedding Day: The night before the wedding, I stayed up almost all night doing the final preparations and memorizing what I was going to say at the wedding. Laying down for a while from 3am to 4am, then getting up to freshen up and then meticulously dressing. Putting the final touches on the room and making a heart shape on the bed with rose petals. Then, sat and waited for the wedding officiant and motorcade to arrive, and then went to pick up my wife. Fortunately, not too much trouble, not difficult - although also blocked the door, but the bridesmaid's questions, I realized the "pre-prepared". I received my wife at home, rested a bit, and then went to the hotel to hold the ceremony. Throughout the wedding ceremony, I was the most nervous, never been so nervous, and feel a little dizzy, but the feeling of happiness. The day of the wedding was the day when the feeling of happiness was the strongest. The second day of the wedding: after getting up, I felt that the whole world was different

. Finally having a wife, it felt like a heavier burden on my shoulders. However, finally got married, received the bride and the wedding ceremony are smooth clearance, after chasing so long the wife finally arrived, in addition to feeling relaxed, is a great sense of accomplishment. After the wedding, the warm and sweet feeling continues until now. Before the wedding, all kinds of apprehension, feel the end of the world is coming, press their breathless, a little like a storm is coming, especially depressing.

The day of the wedding, nervous, but also relaxed a lot, to cope with a set of guests, thinking that the wedding is always smooth.

The second day of the wedding, I thought, "Oh my God, I just married myself, how did I imagine life, there is a little bit of regret, and no longer a single young woman, in the can not go around to tease the little brother, hey that sad, and can only keep this tree!