Event: Moon's Tear
Go to the Observatory and use the telescope to look at the top of the Clock Tower to see the Skull Kid, then a Moon's Tear falls from the moon, give it to the Deku merchant south of the town in exchange for the Land Title Deed to the township, and fly up to the Clock Tower to get the Piece of Heart.
Give the Township Deed to the Deku Trader outside the Swamp Sightseeing Office in exchange for the Swamp Title Deed to the Swamp, and fly up to the roof to get the Heart Piece.
Give the Swamp Title Deed to the Deku Trader in Goron Village in exchange for the Mountain Title Deed, and fly to the platform above to get the Heart Piece.
Give the Mountain Title Deed to the Deku Trader in Lulu's room in Zora Hall in exchange for the Ocean Title Deed to the Sea Region and to fly to the upper level to get the Heart Piece.
Give the Sea Zone Deed to the Deku Trader on the right side of the Valley Zone for 200 rup and to fly across to get the Heart Shard.
Event: bomb bag
On the first morning, granny old lady from bomb store leaves from the bomb store to pick up a shipment. At 12:00 PM, granny old lady comes in through the north door. This is when Sakon, the thief, takes the old lady's stuff. Attack Sakon and drop the package, then the old lady will give you Blast Mask, wait until the old lady returns to the bomb store to buy the Big Bomb Bag which costs 90rup and holds 30 bombs.
Because Sakon didn't grab the Bomb Bag, the Curiosity store owner had to bring out his treasures. On the third day, enter the Curiosity Shop after 10:00pm and you can buy the All-Night Mask (which prevents you from falling asleep) for 500rup.
Similarly, Kafei won't go away until Sakon shows up, see below
Event: The Ranch
On the third day, go to Milk Road Milk Road and find that the boulder is gone, enter Romani Ranch and see that your own horse is there, and talk to Romani, who has a lethargic look on her face. Go inside the cow house, meet Cremia and learn that the original cow is missing.
On the first day, go to the Milk Road and use the big bomb to blow up the rocks and go inside. Talk to Romani and play a game of horseback archery, shoot off 10 balloons in 2 minutes. Then promise her to come catch the ghost (alien) at 2:00pm and learn
Epona's Song Pasture Song (↑←→↑←→) will summon Epona to the Link to make the cows produce milk.
The aliens will show up at 2:30pm, and they will keep coming, just don't let them reach the cow house, it's easier not to use a horse, and if it's too late you can slow down the time. Hold out until 5:30 and the aliens will leave, as a reward Romani gives you a bottle of Milk milk.
In the time between, you can go to the Gorman Track and win a horse race and get Garo's Mask (Garo's symbol).
Then the next night between 6:00 and 12:00, Cremia will be outside the dairy with a wagon, so talk and go up and help deliver the milk. When you get to Gorman Track, just shoot arrows at the bandits to keep them from breaking the milk. Finally come out onto the plains and Cremia gives you the Romani Mask (Milk Bar's membership symbol).
The second time you do that event you end up getting 200rup, the third time surprisingly only a hug! (Spoof)
Event: Kafei&Anju
Background: Kafei is the son of Clock Town's Mayor Mr. Dotour and Madame Aroma, and Anju is the daughter of Clock Town's innkeeper. The two are y in love and are preparing to get married at The Carnival of Time. One day before the wedding, Kafei disappears. Madame Aroma is anxious to find Kafei and Anju is waiting for Kafei's return.
On the first day of the wedding, early in the morning, a child wearing a fox mask ran out of the laundry yard to drop a letter, and did not talk to you, ran as fast as he could. He is actually Kafei .Go in when Mayor's Residence opens and enter the right door, the fat woman is Madame Aroma, talk to her to get Kafei's Mask (to ask about Kafei), and there is a diary inside Kafei's bedroom above. This mask can be picked up anytime.
On the first day, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, talk to Anju and choose Yes to get the Room Key, which will give you access to the center room on the second floor with 100rup. you can come in and out of the hotel with the key, otherwise you'll have to fly out onto the balcony to get in.
At 3:00 PM on the first day, Anju receives a letter from Kafei.
Day 1, 3:00 PM to 8:30 PM, wear Kafei's Mask and talk to Anju, agreeing to meet in the kitchen at 11:30 PM. At 12:00 midnight, Anju arrives at the kitchen, talk to her and help deliver the letter Letter to Kafei by 12:00 the next day (investigate the mailbox, then take out the letter). Be careful not to do the bomb bag event.
The next day at 3:00 PM, you can see Kafei in the laundry room to receive the letter.
The next day from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM, enter the door to the laundry yard and talk to Kafei, he will give Link Pendant of Memories Necklace, give it to Anju before 8:30 PM, it's very touching.
If you didn't help deliver the letter on the first day, the next afternoon Anju will go to the laundry yard and wait for Kafei and not talk.
After Anju returns to her room at 9:00pm the next day, go to the center room and investigate the crack in the wall to see a conversation between Anju and her mother, which is included below the conversation.
The next day, at 12:00 PM, Sakon shows up in the west of town, and at 12:30 PM, goes to the Curiosity shop, and argues with the owner for a while about how much a stolen bomb bag is worth, which of course is seen by Kafei, and the content of the argument is included below.
On the third day, between 1:00 PM and 10:00 PM (doubtful, seems like it could have been any later), go into the laundry room and talk to the owner of the Curiosity Shop, Man from Curiosity Shop, to get the Special Delivery to Mama letter and the Keaton Mask, and to learn that Kafei went to Ikana. learn that Kafei went to Ikana Village to look for Sakon.
Arrive at the left side of the Ikana Canyon map before 6:00pm on the third day (go in to the right, you'll need the Hookshot and Garo's Mask), and find Kafei behind the two stones. Hide behind the stones, Sakon appears at 6:30 and enters the cave at 7:00, follow him inside. Inside, you have to unlock the mechanism within a certain period of time, Kafei is responsible for pushing the rocks, Link is responsible for killing the enemies, take turns to control and finally get Sun's Mask. then it's already 12:00, go back to the town.
After returning to town, Kafei will appear from the east door at 4:00 p.m. At 4:30 p.m., run to Anju's room and go inside to get Couple's Mask.(If you didn't give the necklace to Anju, Anju won't be in the room.)
On the third day, go to deliver the letter after 6:00 p.m., and you will have two choices:
1. Run to the Milk Bar and wear it. Kafei's Mask and talk to Madame Aroma, give the letter to her and get a bottle of Chateau Romani Magic Milk (full stamina back, no loss of magic)
2. Go to the post office and give the letter to Postman Postman, wait for him to deliver the letter to Madame Aroma and then come out and talk to him to get Postman's Hat (you can investigate the mailbox).
Wear the Keaton Mask and hack a grass that moves (there is one in the north of town), a Keaton will appear, answer all the questions he asks to get the Heart Piece.
Investigate any mailbox while wearing Postman's Hat to get a Heart Piece.
Wearing Couple's Mask, talk to Mr. Dotour in the left room of the Mayor's Residence, and the meeting will end with a Heart Piece.
There are a number of scarecrows in the game, 2 obvious ones are in the grocery store in the west of town and under the Observatory, the others have to be called out through the Scarecrow Song.
Talking to those 2 scarecrows allows you to dance, which has an effect equivalent to the Song of Times, and without dancing you can learn how to blow the Song of Reverse Time and the Song of Times.
Pull out your flute in front of these 2 scarecrows (either one) and he'll ask you to play a tune, at which point play a melody that doesn't include the 12 standard tunes, and the scarecrow will memorize the melody and learn it
Scarecrow's Song The Scarecrow's Song (with a customized melody) causes scarecrows to appear from all over the place
Scarecrows are all over the entire continent, I haven't counted them, I'm guessing 10 or so (is that a lot?) . Where there is a Scarecrow, Tatl the Pixie will turn green and move to the location of the Scarecrow, which can be aimed at, and shot with the Chain Hook to pull itself through.
There are 2 places where you need the Scarecrow's help for the Piece of Heart, one on the aerial platform in the Snowy Mountain Passage in the mountains, and one high up outside the Pirate City in the Sea Zone, see text for details.
Unfortunately the tune can't be memorized, it's not in the quest bar, and you even have to go back and learn it again every time you go back to day one! So much so that the tune won't be of much use.
Magic Beans
Magic Beans aren't as useful in this game, only appearing in the Numazu plot, and basically useless outside of the 2 Pieces of Heart you have to use later on. Except for the first one, which you get for free from the guy in the underground of Deku's palace, all the others are 10rup each, without the extortion of the previous game (it's only 3 days, after all). There's a lot of soft earth, but you basically get some money for it, and it's basically only 20rup, except for the hole in the ground outside the observatory that has the Shard of the Heart and the 100rup on the tower of inverted stone.
The usage is to stand on the soft earth and take out the magic beans, plant them, and then either pour on the spring or the hot spring or blow the Storm Song.
Golden Spiders
With the addition of a time limit, finding golden spiders on the continent has become impractical, so the golden spiders in this game have been centralized in two rooms: one in the swamp area and one in the sea area. The difficulty of finding them is also greatly reduced, and it's easy to tell if there are any gold spiders left in this room by listening to the sound. Collect 30 for a reward, and be sure to finish collecting the spider house in the Sea Zone on the first day to get the Giant's Wallet, lol.
Big Sword
Speaking of which, I feel sad again. The Greatsword was so useful in the previous game that it became a decoration here. You only get it after fighting the stone tower, and then you have to go to the duel, so you don't have a chance to use it properly. The attack power is good, but you have to use the C button to operate it, which is not a good feeling. After all, the C button can put 3 things, so it is impossible to let the big sword so occupied, only to not use. However, this also has the advantage of being able to use the sword when you are cursed to not be able to pull out the sword, C props are not limited ah. But it seems that you can't store power, you must turn the cross keys to make a roundhouse chop? Actually ...... press B during the sword swing and then immediately swing it once more, don't release B. You will find ......
Bombers' Notebook
This book is good. When you find someone in trouble, there's a time period in the book, so you can tell when you can help them, and what you've done will be recorded, and a mark will appear after a person's name when they've done it all over again. And the top of the book also has the current exact time, do side quests look at the book helps a lot.
Such a good thing, of course, will not let you easily get, many people in the first time to play at all did not get this book, to the back to get, and then have to go back to the person to find out, which in turn shows that this book is dispensable. Hopeless
The easiest way to get it is to light up the code at the town's east kid, go in and come back out (you can get it as long as you come out of it, and coming in from outside on the plains is fine), and the Bombers' captain, Jim, will give it to you.