Find the English names and positions of all the goddesses in Greek mythology

Found so many goddesses! Take a look! :)

Nyx: Goddess of the night, daughter of Caius. One of the five creator gods, born above the earth (Caius) after the birth of Erebos. The embodiment of the night and the body, she is an ancient and powerful gods, she not only with his brother had three children in addition to a large number of gods alone

Murtis (Metis): Goddess of Wisdom, the daughter of Okkanos, Zeus's first wife, Athena's mother

Eurynome (Eurynome): Goddess of the sea, Okkanos's daughter, Zeus's third wife, Miho Third wife, the mother of the three goddesses of the United States

Leto (Leto): the goddess of the night, Croesus and Phoebe's daughter, Zeus's sixth wife, Artemis and Apollo's mother

Hestia (Hestia):

★ Goddess of the home stove and the flame, she is the Cronus Yu Ruia's oldest child of the eldest sister of Zeus, in charge of the people's home affairs. One of the three virgin gods. In Greek mythology, there is no exhaustive records. She was a virgin goddess of chastity.


★Goddess of fertility, agriculture and forestry, daughter of Cronus and Rhea, second sister and fourth wife of Zeus. She was the goddess of agriculture and fertility, giving life to the earth and teaching humans to farm. She gave birth to Persephone with Zeus.

Athena (Athene):

★Goddess of Wisdom and War, is the daughter of Zeus and Merteus, she is brave, strong and kind, merciful, but sometimes a little wary, do not want to be better than her. She was born when Zeus head severe pain, and later split open with a large axe after Athena jumped out of it with a lance in hand and wearing battle armor. Renamed Pallas-Athena for killing her friend Pallas by mistake. (Pallas-Athena)

★The owl, whose eyes glow in the night, as well as the rooster and the serpent, are all symbols for Athena, the goddess of bright eyes.

Aphrodite (Aphrodite):

★ The goddess of love and beauty, the phallus of Uranus thrown into the sea of love was born from the waves that were raised. Her sweet words can fool all gods and men. She loves to laugh and is so charming that even the wise will mess up.

★ Myrtle is her sacred tree and dove is her favorite bird. Swans and sparrows are also favored.


★ God of hunting, midwifery and the moon, Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo, one of the three virgin goddesses. So also known as the protector of virgins. She was the master of wild things, the chief hunter of the gods, and the third moon goddess in Greek mythology.

★Silk cypress was her sacred wood, and the deer was her favorite pet animal.

Eris: The goddess of discord; daughter of Nyx, the goddess of the night; most popular for stirring up discord, most famous for stirring up the "Battle of Troy".

Moerae: goddess of fate; daughter of Nyx, goddess of the night

Nemesis: goddess of retribution; daughter of Nyx

Apate: god of deception; daughter of Nyx

Philotes: god of lust; daughter of Nyx

Philates: god of lust; daughter of Nyx

Philates: god of the gods; daughter of Nyx

Philates: god of the gods; daughter of Nyx

Philates: god of the gods; daughter of Nyx

Geras: god of age; daughter of Nyx

Cacia: goddess of vice and virtue; daughter of Nyx

Asteria: goddess of the starry night and sister of Leto, goddess of darkness. Of the three goddesses of the night, Nyx is the embodiment of the night proper, while the sisters Leto and Asteria are two different appearances of the night: Leto symbolizes the starless, moonless night of darkness, while Asteria corresponds to the starry night.

Hecate: Goddess of the underworld and magic, the dark side of the world is symbolized by her. The consort of the Queen of the Underworld. The only daughter of Astrea, goddess of the stars and night, and Perseus, god of destruction.

Nemesis: goddess of vengeance; specialized in punishing wrongdoers.

Selene (Selene): goddess of the moon, daughter of Hsuariun and Theia, sister of Helios, god of the sun, and Eos, goddess of the dawn.

Eos: goddess of dawn, daughter of the betrothed Rion and Theia, sister of Helios, god of the sun, and Selene, goddess of the moon.

Persephone: Queen of the Underworld, Demeter's daughter of the goddess of spring; wife of Hades, king of the underworld.

Hebel (Hebe): daughter of Zeus and Hera; goddess of youth, a wine-pourer on Mount Olympus. Later married Herakles as his wife.

Graces: daughters of Zeus and Eurynome; singers and dancers of the gods, bringing beauty to the earth; respectively

Aglaia, goddess of light,

Euphrosyne, goddess of joy,

Thalia, goddess of inspiration.

Muses: the daughters of Zeus and Monemosyne, *** there were nine of them; also known as the Muses or Pierides, because they were born in the place of Pieria. They were

Calliope (eloquence and narrative poetry),

Clio (history),

Urania (astronomy),

Melpomene (tragedy),

Thalia (comedy),

Terpsichore (Terpsichore, Dance),

Ereto (Erato, Love Poem),

Polyhymnia (Polyhymnia, Ode),

Euthype (Euterpe, Lyric Poem).

Erinnyes: goddess of vengeance, also known as Eumenides. Ruthlessly avenges the offender until his or her death. Particularly harsh on those who commit the great crime of matricide. ***There are three of them, Tisiphone, Megaera, and Alecto. They were born from the blood of Uranus. One says that the blood of Uranus' essence splashed and flew on Caius, and that Caius was born of the pressure.

ThePleiades: the seven flowery daughters of Atlas. They are Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Merope, Celaeno and Sterope. One of them, Maia, is Hermes' mom.

Horae: Daughters of Zeus and Themis,

Eunomia, goddess of order

Dike, goddess of justice

Eirene, goddess of peace.

Horae, goddess of the seasons, and the daughters of Selene, goddess of the full moon, were:

Thallo, goddess of spring

Auxo, goddess of summer

Carpo, goddess of autumn

Horae, goddess of the seasons, and the daughters of Helios, goddess of the sun

Horae, goddess of the seasons, and the daughters of Eirene, goddess of peace. The daughters of Helios, the sun god, were:

Auge, goddess of morning light

Anatole, goddess of sunrise

Mousika, goddess of learning

Gymnastika, goddess of sport

Nymphe, goddess of bath

Mussenbub, goddess of the sea

Muslims, goddess of the sea

Muslims, goddess of the sea

Muslims, goddess of the sea

Muslims, goddess of the sea

Mesembria, goddess of noon

Sponde, goddess of worship

Elete, goddess of prayer

Akte, goddess of dining

Hesperis, goddess of dusk

Dysis, goddess of sunset

Dean, goddess of the sun

Dean, goddess of the sun

Dean, goddess of the sun

Dean, goddess of the sun

Dean, goddess of the sun

Dean, goddess of the sun

Arktos goddess of evening

Thalassa: goddess of the sea, daughter of Etra and Hermora, wife of Pentheus.

The Nereids: the fifty lovely daughters of Nereus and Doris. They are 1, Ploto (Ploto); 2, Eucrante (Eucrante); 3, Sao (Sao) 4, Amphitrite (Amphitrite); 5, Eudora (Eudora); 6, Thetis (Thetis); 7, Galene (Galene); 8, Glauce (Glauce); 9, Cymothoe ( Cymothoe); 10, Speo (Speo); 11, Thoe (Thoe); 12, Halie (Halie); 13, Pasithea (Pasithea); 14, Erato (Erato); 15, Eurice (Eunice); 16, Melite (Melite); 17, Eulimene (Eulimene); 18, Agaue (Agaue); 19, Doto (Doto); 20, Proto (Proto); 21, Pherusa (Pherusa); 22, Dilamene (Dynamene); 23, Nisaea (Nisaea); 24, Actaea (Actaea); 25, Protomedea (Protomedea); 26, Doris; 27, Panopea; 28, Galatea; 29, Hipothoe; 30, Hipponoe; 31, Cymodoce; 32, Cymo; 33, Eione; 34, Alimede Alimede; 35, Glauconome; 36, Pontoporea; 37, Leagore; 38, Euagore; 39, Laomedea; 40, Polynoe; 41, Autonoe Autonoe; 42. Lysianassa; 43. Euarne; 44. Psamathe; 45. Menippe; 46. Neso; 47. Eupompe; 48. Themisto; 49. , Pronoe (Pronoe); 50, Nemertes (Nemertes).