? What do you mean by "all for one"? Where is the source?

Source: 《国语-周语下》:"All hearts make a city, and all mouths make a city."

Interpretation: All the people are united and indestructible like a solid city wall. It is a metaphor for unity and unparalleled strength.

Pronunciation: zhong zhi cheng cheng

Near-synonyms: 戮力同心 萬众一心 众擎易举

Antonyms: 四分分分 同床异梦 一盘散沙


1. But the staff of the nuclear power plant in Japan are united as one.

2. It is secondly important to be united against protectionism.

3. But we are united and the Motor City (Detroit) is regrouping.

4. In the 1800 election, the *** and the party were united, while the Federalist Party was divided.

5. It's about enabling the different business units under Sony to be more congruent.

6. Reform simply can't happen unless there is unity of purpose from the top down.

7. This simple concept allows Google engineers and product managers to work together to make awesome stuff.

8. The other must-haves for a successful Olympics are self-evident: you need lots of people, lots of money, and a lot of will.

9. In order to stop this dangerous idea from becoming a reality, the opposition had to come together, somehow, and it did not manage to win the presidential vote in 2011.

10. Despite the unity of purpose at the G20, when it comes time to dig into the pockets of the people multilateral policy will have to be hard-sold.

11. And that's when SARS, which was rampant for a while, gradually lost its ability to attack, thanks to the concerted efforts of the people.

12. The spirit of sincere optimism and the perseverance of the American commanders was inspiring, for they knew deep down that this was our only chance to solve the problem, and they worked together to achieve their goal.

13. The Brazilian team, on the other hand, is technically versatile, has a lot of stars, is very cooperative, and has a lot of determination, which will be a key factor for them to win the championship.

14. Lastly, the ps3 is a litmus test for Sir Howard's efforts to turn things around, and one of the goals of those efforts is to make the different divisions of Sony more cohesive.

15. The Tomyo enterprise organization is filled with a healthy sense of collegiality, mutual trust, and respect for performance, making it an united, never-ending fighting force.

16. In conclusion, although the total strength may have been reduced, compared with other teams, Brazil's comprehensive technology, many stars, the coordination of the team, the will of the people, and the head coach to use the troops like a god, these will be the key factors for them to achieve the title!